Medical software How Ninsaúde Apolo helps maintain medical confidentiality in the clinic Maintaining medical confidentiality is a right that the patient has, provided for by law. The medical record, an instrument used by health professionals, is used to document data collected during the consultation, despite
Clinic Management Financial BPO for clinics and offices: know the advantages The term BPO, the acronym for Business Process Outsourcing, emerged in the mid-90s and has since gained increasing strength among companies and individual entrepreneurs, generating a significant reduction in operating costs for companies.
HIPAA HIPAA - Security rules - Risk analysis and management In the sixth step within the security rules of HIPAA, we have risk analysis and risk management, where the health establishment must create and implement procedures that prevent, detect, contain, and correct violations
Commemorative dates February 4th - World Cancer Day World Cancer Day was created on February 4, 2000, at the World Cancer Summit for the New Millennium in Paris. The Paris Charter aims to promote research, prevent cancer, improve services to patients,
Medicine of the future Gene therapy for hemoglobinopathies A list of innovative technologies that were selected by a committee of subject matter experts at the Cleveland Clinic, located in Cleveland, Ohio, was recently announced. The list, led by Will Morris, MD
Congresses and Events Brazilian Medical Congresses and Events - February 2021 One of the ways to find out what's new in the field of medicine, as well as remain competitive in the face of the competition, is certainly participating in congresses and
Dentistry Why use management software in the dental office? Just like doctors' offices and clinics, dental offices are also very busy, and with that, the whole team is busy a lot of the time. Although some professionals resist the automation of
Medical software AOFAS score and scales: what they are, and how to use them in Ninsaúde Apolo The scales of evaluation of results are generally elaborated in English and directed to the use of that population. To be used internationally, the scales must be translated and culturally adapted to the
Medicine abroad How the Health System in France works With a population of approximately 67 million, France has a Universal Health System, where health insurance is mandatory for the entire population, and just like in Brazil, there is a card to use
Clinic Management How does medical confidentiality work in a relationship with the patient? When we speak of medical confidentiality, we are referring directly to patient information. This information, shared during consultations, is a diagnostic tool and is stored in the medical record. The first records of
Commemorative dates White January - Campaign on mental and emotional health With its appearance in 2014, the White January is one of the Brazilian campaigns created to draw attention to the health of the population, and in this case, issues and needs related to
HIPAA HIPAA security rules - Organization, policies, procedures, and documentation In addition to the security measures already shown in previous blogs, HIPAA asks that health establishments have policies, procedures, and documents in their organization and that all are properly kept and updated to
Medical Marketing TikTok for doctors: know the restrictions The application of the moment is also one of the most successful social networks today. Launched in 2016 under the name of Douyin by the Chinese company ByteDance, it was introduced to the
Medical software Score Lysholm: what it is, and how to use it in Ninsaúde Apolo Originally published in 1982 in the American Journal of Sports Medicine and later modified in 1985 in Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, the Score Lysholm was designed to be used in the evaluation
New Clinics Medical clinic: the biggest mistakes when making your appointments When seeking medical care, the patient goes through several stages that influence his experience, which may result in his decision to return or not to the clinic. Here on the blog, in one
Commemorative dates January Purple: leprosy awareness and prevention Leprosy is an infectious disease that affects the skin and nerves and is considered one of the oldest diseases of mankind. In the past, leprosy was called leprosy and surrounded by prejudice, especially
Medicine of the future Pharmaceutical industry: trends to come With a capital of more than 1.2 billion at stake and the pace of technological disruption, the pharmaceutical industry is adapting quickly to the new times. With advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Medicine of the future Health systems: Bismarck model vs. Beveridge model This year 2020 will also be remembered as the year in which the health systems of different European countries were put to the test by the crisis of the new coronavirus. Bismarck and
Cardiovascular risks in the elderly: O.P. Score The growing proportion of older individuals considerably increases the burden of chronic diseases, signaling the need for greater attention to the prevention of chronic diseases in this population. Since the 1950s, the world
HIPAA Safety rules HIPAA - Technical measures HIPAA's next security measure contains regulations on the techniques and technologies that should be used in all equipment, devices, and software that have confidential patient information. This rule requires that clinics,
Commemorative dates Red December: month of the fight against AIDS Every new month, a new struggle. September Yellow, October Pink, and November Blue are some of the campaigns that aim to raise awareness and draw the attention of the population to the necessary
Medicine of the future Pacemaker devices will be able to connect to smartphones The Cleveland Clinic, located in Cleveland, Ohio, recently announced the top 10 medical innovations for 2021. Among them is the possibility of transmitting data from a pacemaker to the patient's smartphone.
Clinic Management Tips for a successful online attendance Several factors can influence the success of a clinic, and without a doubt, the service is the main point, and the experience the patient has in service is what may result in his
Medical software Carter-Rowe Score: what it is, and how to use it in Ninsaúde Apolo Defined by the sum of the scores achieved in an evaluation, the Score helps health professionals to obtain a more accurate diagnosis in their care. When it comes to the area of orthopedics,
Medical software Streamline attendances with Ninsaúde Apolo text templates With the Ninsaúde Apolo electronic medical record, the health professional can streamline the service in several ways, without losing the quality of the service provided. The Ninsaúde Apolo medical software has several features