Using good software in clinics and offices is increasingly necessary, this is because its functionalities help in the work not only of health professionals but also of other team members. Keeping appointments organized is paramount. and getting an attendance list for certain occasions makes the work of secretaries and receptionists even easier.

The reports always help companies in their decision-making, as they gather important information that helps administrators on their journeys. But some reports aim to bring more tranquility during the daily rush, as is the case of the report that we are going to comment on today: the attendance list report.

Before we continue, we need to know: do you already use medical software to perform your consultations at the clinic? We invite you to get to know Ninsaúde Apolo, online software that can be used on a tablet, smartphone, or in the traditional way, on computers. Learn more on our website

The attendance list report available on Ninsaúde Apolo aims to create a list of patients scheduled on a specific date. This list may contain patients from one or more clinic health professionals, It is also possible to choose the care unit in which these patients are scheduled.

The question is, why generate an attendance list when all the appointments are available on the system's agenda? Simple: the attendance list is a report that must be printed and serves as guidance in specific cases, more precisely to be used outside the clinic, as is the case of professionals who work in a closed medical condominium. In these places, access is generally only allowed by identification at the concierge, and this list is intended to prevent problems.

Let's say that every unknown person who arrives at the gate needs to be released through authorization after their identification. For this, the person responsible for the ordinance would need to contact the secretary or receptionist of the health professional so she can check if this person is one of the scheduled patients. Now imagine a full schedule, with at least 20 appointments just in the morning. Also, imagine the reception phone ringing every time each of these 20 patients arrives. This would certainly generate a delay in the other activities performed during the day.


Therefore, the attendance list brings convenience and practicality to everyone involved in this process. For the doorman, it is enough for him to ask for the name and/or document of the person who is at the entrance and thus locate him on the attendance list. For the secretary or receptionist, there will be no need to interrupt other activities by answering calls to confirm whether that person has an appointment with the health professional or not.

For the condominium as a whole, there will also be greater security, as it prevents strangers from accessing the place. Criminals are getting more creative when it comes to scamming, and in many cases, what can happen, are strangers claiming to have an appointment or to be there to accompany a relative. At this time, another partner can make a call to the concierge pretending to be such a relative or even an employee of the establishment, asking that that person be released. With the presence list in hand, this will not be a problem, as the names of authorized persons will already be on the list.

How to generate the attendance list?

The attendance list can be generated in two different locations within the system: in the schedule reports area or in the schedule itself. Patient names are shown in the list according to the schedule of appointments, in ascending order. In addition to the time, patient's name, and document number, the list also has a Contact column, which represents the name of the healthcare professional with whom the patient has the appointment. To make it easier, there is the possibility to generate a list for each health professional, or if you prefer, list the patients of all professionals in a single list.

It is worth mentioning that Ninsaúde Apolo has the Social Name field in the patient register, therefore, if the patient has a registered social name, it will appear in the attendance list, followed by his registered name. The social name can be used to define a nickname or a name by which the patient prefers to be called. This field is used especially in cases of transgender patients who are undergoing a gender transition. So that there are no constraints, it is important to make this information clear to the concierge. To learn more about the subject, check out our article: "How the social name works in Ninsaúde Apolo and its importance".

Printing the attendance list through the agenda

With the Ninsaúde Apolo agenda open, press the three dots icon and select the Print option. Then press on the Attendance list option and set a date. The system will automatically add to the filter the health professional whose schedule was selected at the time when this option was accessed, but you can add other professionals to the list. As mentioned before, if you prefer, you can print the lists of other professionals separately.

You also have the option to print the list of all healthcare professionals at the same time, and for that, just leave the professional's field blank. Choose a care unit if necessary, and if you leave this field blank, the system will only list the drive the user has access to. If the user is a system administrator, leaving this field blank, all appointments for all units will be listed, being necessary to choose a specific one in the filter, if applicable.

Printing the attendance list through the reports

In the schedules menu, access the reports area. Then, scroll down and press on the Attendance List option. Set the date, professional (or professionals), and a unit if necessary. After that, just print. We remind you that both in the path taken by the agenda and in the path taken through the reports, in addition to the printing itself, it is also possible to export the list so that it can be opened in Excel, which allows you to change the order of names and add information, if necessary for your clinic.

Now that you know the importance of attendance lists, if you still don't use medical software, we invite you to get to know Ninsaúde Apolo. For more details, visit our website and request a call from the sales team.