Medical software Covid-19 and telemedicine: how to carry out prescriptions To protect people and reduce the spread of Covid-19, on March 20, 2020, through the Federal Official Gazette, the Brazilian Minister of Health, Henrique Mandetta, determined that during the pandemic the use of
Medical Marketing Youtube for healthcare professionals: learn how to get started Youtube has become a large social network widely used for the dissemination of business content, and in the area of health, it has been no different. As an example, we can highlight Dr.
Medical Marketing Social networks and health professionals: know what are the restrictions With patients increasingly connected to the internet and seeking health information daily, the health professional must keep up with this rhythm and also be present on social networks. But, did you know that
Medical Marketing How to have a good relationship and retain patients in the clinic As important as attracting new patients is maintaining a good relationship with those who have already been to the clinic. The loyalty process has a strong connection with the experience provided to the
Medical Marketing How to attract patients through digital content It is not news that today's patients are much more connected to the internet. A few years ago, most people turned to health insurance catalogs or phone books to find a
Clinic Management Tips to keep your clinic safe When we talk about safety, several points must be analyzed, and taking care of the safety of the clinic is certainly essential. This is a factor that encompasses not only the physical structure
Clinic Management Clinic decoration: common mistakes to avoid The decoration of a clinic influences its success as much as good care. In addition to the colors used, lighting, furniture layout, and comfort are points to note when defining a good decoration.
Clinic Management Tips for practicing sustainability in clinics and offices The term sustainability is well used today, but it came up in the mid-1980s, derived from the name "sustainable development", being used for the first time when Gro Harlem Brundtland, the
Clinic Management The importance of Income Statement in clinics The Income Statement for the Exercise is essential so that the clinic administrator can carry out an analysis of the results obtained throughout the year and thus be able to develop strategies and
Clinic Management The importance of applying patient satisfaction surveys Satisfaction surveys are fundamental to the financial health of your business after all this is the best tool to find out what your patients think about your care and clinic in general. With
Clinic Management Management of clinics: 5 tips to reduce the debt of patients Legally speaking, an individual who does not fulfill his financial responsibility is classified as negligent. In clinics, it is common for this problem to happen, after all not all patients use health plans,
Medicine of the future The new holographic magnetic resonance Microsoft recently announced that it is using its technology to promote medical imaging beyond the capabilities of today's computers. The Redmond company, through a partnership with Case Western Reserve University (CWRU)
Clinic Management WhatsApp in clinics: When to use? Launched in 2009, WhatsApp gained strength in Brazil in mid-2012 and since then the number of users has been increasing more and more. Currently, several companies are already using the app to exchange
Clinic Management Basic computer tips to assist secretaries and receptionists Secretaries and receptionists are always very busy, so working with agility while maintaining good service is paramount. In the digital age, the use of computers and laptops is essential to streamline the processes
Clinic Management The importance of keeping patient records up to date Dozens of people go through the clinic's reception every day, many of whom already have registered. However, these registrations must be properly updated, so check below for reasons to keep the
Clinic Management Family holding for doctors: know the benefits The term holding comes from the English "to hold", which means to hold, keep, own. So, as its name suggests, a holding company aims to maintain equity around it. But after
Clinic Management How to maintain a good relationship with suppliers? Several factors influence the success of a clinic, and certainly having a good relationship with suppliers is one of them. But after all, what is this relationship based on? Check out our tips
Clinic Management How to know if your clinic is well located? The location of any commercial establishment directly influences its functioning, and with clinics and offices, it is no different. But after all, how do you know if your clinic is well located? Check
Clinic Management Tips on how to reduce costs in your clinic Reducing costs and cutting expenses for your clinic's financial health may seem like a difficult task, but it is not impossible. Working with the right tools and with good financial planning
Clinic Management Why patients miss appointments and how to avoid it It is very common in clinics and offices, cases of patients who have an appointment but end up not showing up without even giving notice. This fact, called absenteeism, can lead to the
Clinic Management Medical coworking: know what it is and its advantages Coworking is a business model where members of different companies share the same space to carry out their work. This model brings together users from the most diverse areas, and health professionals are
Clinic Management Repressed demand after COVID-19: it is necessary to be prepare Despite the slowdown in growth, there was an improvement in the global economy during 2019. Unfortunately, with the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus the economy is already starting to decline, which will
New Clinics Office, clinic, or medical center? Understand the difference Despite many similarities, clinics, offices, and medical centers have their particularities that differentiate them from each other. Whether health professionals or patients, many people are confused when it comes to this subject, but
New Clinics Open doctor's office: check out 5 tips to start without fail Today health professionals are not only responsible for taking care of patients and prescribing medicines, and that is because many have also become great businesspeople. However, investing in a business like opening a
New Clinics How to hire the ideal secretary for your clinic The position of secretary is extremely important in the clinic, after all, just like health professionals, secretaries deal directly with patients. When starting the recruitment process it is important to define the characteristics