With management software, the work in clinics and offices is much more practical, after all, the advantages are numerous for all users, whether they are secretaries, administrators, or health professionals.
At Ninsaúde Apolo, the most diverse specialties can enjoy features that, in addition to bringing practicality, streamline work in the clinic and facilitate care. Today we are going to learn about the five software tools that most benefit ophthalmologists.
Just a pause before we continue, did you know that the Ninsaúde Apolo clinic and office management system is perfect for health clinics? We always work with new improvements, discover exclusive advantages here.
Multi-clinical and multi-professional agenda
Ninsaúde Apolo's agenda brings several features that add even more when including an appointment. If the clinic has more than one health professional, the secretary can view all appointments between professionals, or if you prefer, you can view all appointments of the day, from all professionals, on the same screen.

If the clinic has more than one service unit, it is also possible to separate these appointments per unit. Also, you will be able to define which users will be able to view or not the agenda of a specific unit so that secretaries and receptionists from different service locations are not confused with the appointments.
Other scheduling advantages available at Ninsaúde Apolo are room registration and events. When registering rooms in the system, the moment the patient is scheduled, the secretary will be able to define in which room the service will be performed. The calendar events can be used as a reminder or to block specific dates so that no patient can be scheduled during that period.

The agenda of Ninsaúde Apolo is also multi-procedure, that is, in the same schedule, it is possible to insert more than one service. This is extremely important for the health professional because when scheduling with an ophthalmologist, the patient ends up performing several procedures in a single consultation. Therefore, it is necessary to specify in the agenda which procedures are these, and within the Ninsaúde Apolo agenda, this is possible.

Electronic medical record
With the electronic medical record of Ninsaúde Apolo, the health professional can type or even dictate the evolution of the patient while viewing his medical history. It is also possible to insert up to four cards at the top of the screen so that you can quickly view information about the patient, such as health insurance, allergies, ICDs, and charts, among others.
Within the medical record screen, the health professional is also able to perform actions such as printing prescriptions, certificates, and other documents, making comparisons between the patient's evolution using graphics, attaching images or videos, and using ready-made forms, among other tools available in the software.

Personalized prescription for glasses
With the Ninsaúde Apolo document templates, health professionals can print their recipes directly from the system. As stated above, it is also possible to print certificates and other documents, because the documents are fully customizable.
To facilitate the work of ophthalmologists, the Ninsaúde team provides some document templates for download, for the user to import into their account. Among the available models is the prescription for glasses.

Online scheduling
Online scheduling was developed to make life easier not only for health professionals but also for patients, because with this functionality the patient is much more practical and comfortable when scheduling an appointment, just as the clinic has great chances of increasing your number of calls.

Custom forms
With the Ninsaúde Apolo form templates, you can create anamneses that will be available to use when attending. With the form ready, just insert the patient's answers, which will be stored with the evolution, bringing practicality and agility.
In addition to being able to create forms with questions whose answers may be long or short, yes/no, multiple-choice and calculated field, in the system, there are some ready-made templates for each specialty. In the area of ophthalmology, for example, we have a screening that can be used during the first contact with the patient.

In addition to these features, many others are available at Ninsaúde Apolo, which can assist not only the health professional but also the secretary and administrators of the clinic.
Follow the blog to stay on top of the news, and if you are not a Ninsaúde Apolo user yet, contact us through the site and request a demonstration.