Clinic Management Medical software: access history report and its advantages With the medical software Ninsaúde Apolo, it is possible to have access to several reports and graphs where it is possible to analyze the performance of health professionals, the financial situation of the
Medicine of the future Telemedicine what specialties can use it? Although telemedicine is already used in several countries, in Brazil it was only released in March 2020, due to the new coronavirus pandemic. According to an article published in the Agência Brasil, in
Medical software Ninsaúde Apolo call panel what are the options for use The functionality of Ninsaúde Apolo's call panels brings great practicality to health professionals and the entire reception staff. It is common to see a secretary or receptionist going to the health
Clinic Management Striking phrases by relevant health professionals in history Medicine is one of the oldest professions in the world. Since antiquity, several health professionals have left as a legacy not only their scientific discoveries but also an infinity of striking phrases. Names
New Clinics Health office Decorating: 5 Essential Tips Health professionals who choose to open offices have the advantage of being able to print their style and visual identity in the decoration. The offices, since they are smaller than the clinics, can
Medical software New prospecting report: a good negotiation technique With the medical software Ninsaúde Apolo, administrators of clinics and offices can use various graphs and reports so that they can better direct their activities. Here on the blog, we had already presented
Medical software Advantages of using software with room scheduling Imagine how frustrating: you need to use a certain room in the clinic, and let all your colleagues know about it, but a communication failure happens and when you arrive at the place,
COVID-19 COVID-19 and HIPAA The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) issued several documents about how to approach the pandemic situation and still be compliant with HIPAA since the COVID-19 pandemic does not alternate the privacy rule concerning
Medicine abroad How the National Health Service (NHS) works in the UK Learn more about the National Health Service, from the English National Health Service (NHS), the organization of public health services in the United Kingdom.
Medical Marketing How to win the patient in the first appointment? One of the secrets of successful clinics and offices is patient loyalty. When a patient is loyal, it means that he trusts your work and gives preference to the care provided by you.
New Clinics What to evaluate when you choose medical coworking? Coworking is a business model where members of different companies share the same space to carry out their work. According to the 2018 Coworking Brazil Census, there are already 1,194 known spaces
Medical software News Ninsaúde Apolo: Mevo and stock control The Ninsaúde Apolo team of developers is constantly working on the production of new features for the software, and in the second half of 2020, we are ready to present to our customers
Medical software Five advantages of Ninsaúde Apolo for ophthalmologists With management software, the work in clinics and offices is much more practical, after all, the advantages are numerous for all users, whether they are secretaries, administrators, or health professionals. At Ninsaúde Apolo,
Medical Marketing 5 Essential email marketing strategies in the clinic The use of e-mail as a marketing strategy in the clinic is essential for those who want to reach a large number of people in a fully automated way. With Ninsaúde's
Clinic Management HIPAA and Ninsaúde Apolo Identity theft, computer memory corruption, hackers, and other information losses can be avoided - these are just some of the situations that all companies that receive, store and transmit information electronically go through
Medical software How to schedule appointments that are repeated more easily? For some specialties, meetings with the patient become frequent, causing several appointments to be scheduled. Some clear examples are psychologists, physiotherapists, and speech therapists, among others. Knowing that this patient should return to
Medical Marketing Know the importance of medical networking The word networking has gained prominence in recent years, but few people know its real meaning and importance in the job market. If you are one of those people, don't worry,
Medicine abroad How the US Healthcare System Works The American healthcare system is one of the most advanced in the world in terms of technology and professional training. We can find clinics and hospitals anywhere, even in rural and remote areas
Medical software Display: how to use tablets for patients to find rooms In the medical software Ninsaúde Apolo, you can register the clinic's service rooms and use the display functionality, where through tablets fixed on the doors the patient can locate the room
Medical software Compare patient evolution with Ninsaúde Apolo graphs Some patients usually consult with a certain frequency, and when this happens, the health professional needs to make a comparison, to analyze the results obtained through the treatment being performed. In the medical
Clinic Management Medical services: value x price You have probably heard that price is different from value and that one of the laws of marketing is never to inform price before building value. But after all, what is different about
Commemorative dates August 5th - Brazilian National Health Day The National Health Day in Brazil is a commemorative date that aims to promote health and raise public awareness about the importance of health education, among other aspects related to health. Currently, due
Clinic Management HIPAA - Compliance that makes your clinic safer The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (1996) - HIPAA is a law to order and uniformity to the security areas regarding patient health information. Before the HIPAA, there was nothing in this
Medical software How Ninsaúde Apolo's social name works and its importance In one of the latest updates to the medical software Ninsaúde Apolo, the social name field was added to the patients' register. But, after all, what is the importance of this field
Medicine abroad How the Health System Works in Chile The main structure of health in Chile is the National System of Health Services (SNSS), which is constituted by the National Health Fund (FONASA), which represents the public health of the country, and