The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) was created with the intention of identifying global health trends and statistics and to inform international health conditions and diseases. Today the ICD is considered the standard classification for diagnosis and research purposes.

The first edition of the CID, called at the time the "List of Causes of Death" was adopted internationally in 1893. Since then, the list has gone through several revisions and editions that reflect the advancement of technology in the area of health and medicine over time, with the ICD-11 being a milestone, as it must be released digitally.

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The ICD-10 was adopted in 1990, has over 20,000 scientific articles, is used in over 150 countries, and translated into over 40 languages. The ICD-11, should bring together all medical advances, modifications and adaptations, add clinical needs, and will be able to be used for statistical classification purposes.

The ICD also defines the universe of diseases, disorders, injuries, and other conditions, comprehensively listed for:

  • Have information about diseases and conditions stored in order to aid decision-making;
  • Share and compare health information across hospitals and regions of the world;
  • Comparison of data from the same location over a period of time.
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With the ICD, it is possible to monitor some of the health markers, which are:

  • Monitor the incidence and prevalence of a disease;
  • Causes of death;
  • External causes of illnesses;
  • Global monitoring of antimicrobial resistance;
  • First basic service;
  • Medicines, allergens and chemicals, histopathological;
  • Codes for patient safety documentation aligned with UN guidelines;
  • Document cases of rare diseases;
  • List of group diagnoses and resource distribution;
  • Implementation of guidelines.

The ICD is used by physicians, nurses, other health care providers, researchers, health information managers and programmers, healthcare technology workers, insurance and policy companies, and patient organizations.

The CID allows and encourages the participation of the medical community and its collaborators in its reviews, both contributing with new medical information and in translations into other languages of the edition. To participate in the latest review, you must first register on the ICD-11 platform, and the changes suggested after approval take effect immediately. Changes are reviewed by experts.

The ICD-11 website also offers free online educational training, you can check the training package here.

By creating the account it is possible to send:

  • Comments on structure, context, and implementation;
  • Make suggestions for changing categories;
  • Disease definition suggestions;
  • Participate in tests;
  • Contribute to translations.

The next edition of the ICD, ICD-11, is currently in the process of reviewing and editing and should be effectively ready in January 2022.

Source: WHO - World Health Organization