Medicine abroad How the Health System works in Portugal Portugal is one of the countries in Europe with the largest number of Brazilian immigrants, and it stands out for the quality of life it provides to its inhabitants. Any Portuguese citizen or
Medical software How to choose the ideal system for Telemedicine use In addition to qualifying care, the use of telemedicine can bring other benefits to health professionals and the patient himself. But after all, how to choose the right software to meet your needs?
Medical software How to measure user productivity through the ABC Curve in Ninsaúde Apolo Have you ever heard of the ABC curve classification method? Used by several companies, this technique can also help in making decisions concerning users of the software, such as Ninsaúde Apolo. Also known
Medical software Ninsaúde Apolo: everything you need to know about the software Here on the blog we constantly talk about the features of Ninsaúde Apolo, the management software for clinics that it's gaining more and more space in the market. However, now the
Medical software Forms in the Ninsaúde Apolo, a tool for all medical specialties During medical care, before reaching the diagnosis, the health professional must ask a series of questions to the patient to get to know him better and to know how a particular health problem
Medical software Care cards: quick information about your patient When scheduling an appointment, much of the patient's information is obtained through the secretary, and others in the first appointment with the health professional. When the patient returns to the clinic,
Medicine of the future Telemedicine: is it possible to maintain humanized care? With the latest events involving the great coronavirus pandemic, the need to use telemedicine to carry out consultations was identified while Brazil is going through a period of isolation. Although many claims that
Medicine of the future Robotic surgery grows more and more in Brazil Brazil started using surgical robots in 2008, and since then this practice has grown exponentially, with Brazil being the Latin American country that most performs this type of surgery. When talking about robotic
Medicine of the future Three medical sites you should follow The field of medicine is very wide, and the day after day discoveries are made to improve the quality of life of patients and assist in the work of health professionals. For this
Medicine of the future Medicine podcast: meet 10 content producers A podcast is audio content very similar to radio programs, however, it has a difference: it can be heard at any time the user wants. Although this media format appeared in Brazil in
Medicine of the future Yellow September: Treating depression with technology Brazil is increasingly connected to the internet. According to the survey commissioned by the insurer Bupa from the Ipsos Institute and the London School of Economics, eight out of ten people are looking
Medicine of the future Repairing nerves using a bioscaffold equipped with a “radio” antenna "Electrical signals generated outside the body by transcranial stimulation helped to repair sciatic nerves divided into rates," say researchers. The body's ability to repair damaged nerves is a mystery.
Medicine of the future Redefining healthcare with Blockchain technology Blockchain technology will facilitate collaboration and secure data transactions across the healthcare ecosystem, promoting more accurate diagnostics and cost-effective service, while enabling improved revenue cycle management. Can Blockchain - disruptive technology that made
Medicine of the future Can meditation slow aging? Spiritual practices may seem like a distant world from biomedical research, with its focus on molecular processes and repeatable results. However, off the coast of the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), a
Medicine of the future Gold and Graphene: New Allies in Medicine In a study published in Science Advances, scientists discovered how to control the beating of human heart cells in a dish using only light and graphene. Now, all potential drugs will be tested
Medicine of the future The future of X-ray: in color and 3D A high-contrast black-and-white image of your bones is an effective tool for detecting fractures or breaks. But after more than 120 years, the X-ray image is getting a remarkable update with colorful 3D
Medicine of the future A new device allows pregnant women to do an ultrasound using a cell phone An Israeli startup is in the final stages of developing a revolutionary portable ultrasound device that will allow pregnant women to check their babies' health using just a smartphone. The PulseNmore device
Medicine of the future A new tool uses AI to look inside human cells Using artificial intelligence, the scientists created a tool that allows anyone to see what the structures inside a cell look like - even when you only have images from the outside. Allen Integrated
Medicine of the future Artificial Intelligence can fail without the proper health context We are at an inflection point in healthcare technology. Vast data resources have been unlocked through the transition to electronic medical records, value-based care is requiring sophisticated analysis of patient outcomes and machine
Medicine of the future Remote-controlled implants Researchers from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States) are working on tiny implants that can be managed remotely. As they use wireless technology, the devices can medicate patients, treat illnesses, or monitor
Commemorative dates May 12th - International Nursing Day On May 12th, our honorees are the health professionals responsible for providing all types of assistance to patients, whether performing tests, giving injections, making bandages, administering prescription drugs, as well as organizing medical
Medicine of the future CRISPR in 2018: genetic editing closer to you Since scientists first used CRISPR-Cas9 to edit living human cells in 2013, they have said that the possibilities for using it to treat diseases are practically endless. Only in recent years, advances in
Medicine of the future How can virtual reality be relevant to mental health? We are still a long way from being able to provide the best treatment to everyone who needs it, but we can be on the verge of change thanks to virtual reality. Few
Medicine of the future Bioengineers program cells to transform into 3D shapes Scientists have replicated some of the processes that cause cells to fold, curl, and ripple as they become meat. Publishing their findings recently in the journal Developmental Cell, researchers from the University of
Medicine of the future A spinal cord implant helps paralyzed patients to walk again Phantom limb painful syndrome is a physiological condition that occurs in about 85% of amputee patients. It is the sensation of pain in a part of the body that has been removed in