Regardless of the business, it is important to always be attentive to financial transactions and monitor receipts and payments.
Not only in clinics but also in offices, it is important that there is a record of all entries and exits so that you can have quick access to the financial health of your business.
For this practice, we recommend the use of management software, such as Ninsaúde Apolo, and we will comment below on what are the advantages of using it.
Just a pause before we continue, did you know that the Ninsaúde Apolo clinic and office management system is perfect for health clinics? We always work with new improvements, and discover exclusive advantages here.
Launch of titles: single, in installments, and recurring
There are three ways to record your entries and exits at Ninsaúde Apolo, each used on one occasion. To better understand, let's exemplify each one. And, you can use them for receipt and payment titles.
- Single title: they are all the titles in which the payment is made uniquely, that is, the user releases the title only once in the system and settles it uniquely too. We can cite as an example of receipt, a consultation, where the patient pays the full amount in the act of scheduling. Or in the case of a payment, we can cite as an example a new chair for the reception.
- Installment title: These are all bills where payment will be made in installments. Let's say it was necessary to purchase a new computer for the clinic, and payment will be made 5 times on the credit card. When launching this security in the financial system, just choose the installment security, inform the installment value, and then the number of installments. In the months following the entries, until the installments are finished, the system will remember that there is this debt to be paid, and it shows how many installments are still missing.
- Recurring titles: are all titles that are repeated for a specified or indeterminate period. An example of a recurring title is the electric bill, after all, without the payment of energy, there is no way to work. Knowing that such a payment is required every month, you can post it in the system as a recurrence. This action is done only once, and when launching the title, just inform when it will start, if it will repeat itself weekly, monthly, or annually, and finally, if there will be an end date or if it will repeat itself forever. Every month/week/year (according to your choice), just pay off the title and correct the amount, if necessary.
Remember that in all options it is also possible to apply a fine or interest, which will be added to the total value of the security.

Balance and securities control panel
When accessing the Finance menu, in the Securities submenu, through the Overview tab, the user can monitor the balance of each of his bank accounts registered in the system. The registered accounts are used so that, when launching security (whether receiving or paying), the user can define which account the amount entered will enter or leave. As the bonds are paid, the value of bank accounts is updated. On this same screen, you can also view a graph that shows the amounts of payments and receipts by period.

In the Receipts and payments tab, in addition to viewing all the titles of the current month in order of maturity, you can also view a panel that shows us:
- The total value of securities paid in the period;
- The total value of overdue securities for the period;
- The total value of securities pending in the period;
- Total.

When we talk about pending bonds, we are referring to bonds that are not yet due and also those that have not been paid. In the image above, on the upper left side, note that it is also possible to view the TOTAL SELECTED. Note that the value of 454.44 corresponds to the two recurring payment titles selected in the title list. If you want to obtain values from another period, just select it using the More filters option.
Cash Flow
One of the ways to measure the results obtained in the clinic, financially speaking, is through the evaluation of your cash flow. Cash flow is a management tool that represents the movement of cash inflows and outflows in a given period in the company.
When starting your activities with Ninsaúde Apolo, you must add bank accounts and their respective balances. These amounts will form the opening cash flow balance. From the opening balance to the extent that expenses (outflows) and revenues (inflows) are included, the balance for the period (also called the operational balance) will be obtained, which will be added to the opening balance and will define the accumulated balance, ie, the amount your clinic is currently billing.
In Ninsaúde Apolo the cash flow area shows us the values obtained in the last 12 months, however, it is possible through the option "More filters" to insert a period of your choice. Observe the example below, where the user applies the filter to access the information for May:

Income statement
The income statement is essential for the clinic administrator to be able to carry out an analysis of the results obtained throughout the year, and thus be able to develop strategies and define goals. A comparison is made between the results, being possible to analyze the profits and losses, and it can be combined with other documents so that a deeper analysis is possible.
To use the DRE functionality in Ninsaúde Apolo, just select the financial categories of expenses, and automatically the system makes the necessary calculations to obtain the net profit and the difference between the last two years.

Professional commission
In the Finances menu, the user will find the Professional Commission option, where it is possible, in a summarized or detailed way, to view the total services provided by each health professional, as well as their respective transfer values.
The panel has some filters, so it is possible to search for commissions for a specific period, service, agreement, or service unit. Also, you can print a report with this information, or export it to Excel.

It is worth mentioning that there are three different ways of viewing the commissions, and they are:
- Summarized by professional: values are briefly reported, where the user can see the number of services provided, the total value of these services, the amount that is already paid in the system, and the balance, which corresponds to the amount that the clinic still has to receive (for example, agreements only pay after sending the TISS guides, in this case even performing the service, the value for it has not yet been received by the clinic).
- Detailed by professional: this type of visualization allows you to know not only the number of calls but also the date of each one of them and the name of each patient treated, as well as the service used by him, insurance, and referral if any. This type of report is important if the health professional or even the clinic manager has doubts about the origin of the values shown in the short version.
- Detailed by professional and clinic: as this report is more complete, it can be used by the manager for internal control. It, in addition to the information already obtained in the reports above, together with the health professional commission it is also possible to view the clinic commission.

Bearing in mind that to configure the professionals' commissions, it is necessary to access the service register and include a fixed amount or percentage for the system to calculate each one, including the agreements that the professional attends.
Graphs and reports
In addition to the graphics already mentioned above, Ninsaúde Apolo has a graphics area where the clinic manager can check statistics on:
- Revenue and expenses;
- Non-compliance;
- How many days to pay the bills;
- Average ticket per patient attended;
- Amounts transacted by bank accounts, types of payment, service, health insurance, healthcare professional, and income and expense categories;
- Status of past and settled receipts and expenses;
- Balance of the last years.

The reports are also present in an area where the manager can check the various information about the clinic's financial situation, including:
- Values of insurance billing;
- Statement by bank accounts;
- Receipts information;
- Net profit.
In addition to these features, many others are available at Ninsaúde Apolo, which can assist not only the clinic manager but also the secretary and health professionals.
Follow the blog to stay on top of the news, and if you are not a Ninsaúde Apolo user yet, contact us through the site and request a demonstration.