Digital marketing, when applied correctly, ends up generating good results and provides an increase in the number of patients. Using social networks and having a website and/or blog, are among some of the most efficient dissemination tools.
However, there are a large number of frequent mistakes that should be avoided, so in this article, we will cover what those errors are and how to avoid them.
Use only one social network for disclosure
Stop and think: how many social networks do you know? Well, today we have Facebook and Instagram that are considered the biggest and most famous, but Whatsapp, which is an instant messaging application, is also considered a social network by many users.
In 2020, the TikTok app was also very successful, and the trend is to continue to increase the number of users. And we can't forget about Twitter, which has been on the air since 2006.
The fact is not everyone who uses Facebook uses Instagram and vice versa. Like not everyone present on TikTok, they are on other social networks, and the same goes for Twitter. For this reason, it is of utmost importance that all networks are used, provided that it is intelligent, of course. Also, each social network brings different tools from each other, and with them, advantages that facilitate the routine when creating diverse and creative posts, which attract the attention of your target audience in various ways.
Buy followers
Some apps promise to make your social network "rock". Although some of them are paid, many are free, and most of the time, all the user has to do is, link the account of the desired social network and wait for the "magic" to happen. That done, within a few hours, it is possible to get dozens or even hundreds of followers.
But after all, are these followers real? In a way, the problem is that many of them don't even know they are following your page. This happens because of a mechanism that the applications use, where you gain followers, but for that, you need to follow random people, and both one and the other, will not interact in posts or generate engagement.
In short, such applications bring only numbers, but no results. There is no point in having 10,000 followers if more than half do not like your posts, do not comment, let alone have an interest in your work. Prioritize real followers, you'll get them through quality content and without using deceptive apps.

Do not invest in paid content
When we talk about paid content, we are not referring to the purchase of followers, but rather, the fact of boosting your posts, so that more users can view them. Boosted publications, also called sponsored posts, allow the page administrator to direct their content to a specific audience.
Contrary to what many people think, this action does not require a high investment and brings good results. The amounts invested, the administrator of the page decides, so the greater the investment, the more users the publication reaches.
Lack of posts
Being present on social networks is essential, and to get a good engagement (comments, likes, shares), it is necessary to make posts with a certain frequency. It is also essential that you have a schedule to keep yourself organized.
People lose interest in pages that are rarely moved, and this makes it difficult to work with marketing strategies.

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