It is necessary to be prepared for special dates such as Christmas, New Year, Mother's Day, and Fathers, among others related to health. Of all the commemorative dates, the most expected by some people is usually the birthday, a unique date for each human being. So today we will talk about the importance of remembering your patients' birthday, and how to honor it.
Remembering someone's birthday is important to strengthen ties and show that you care for that person. In the medical software Ninsaúde Apolo, you can use the email marketing functionality to send messages on special dates, and thus, on your patients' birthday, show how happy you are for another year of life that they complete.
Here on the blog we already have some articles that talk about this functionality, such as the importance of email marketing campaigns, the advantages of using email marketing in the clinic, and even how to create an ideal holiday e-mail template for your patients. But today we are going to be more specific and we will make email templates available for you to send to your birthday patients.
Currently, at Ninsaúde Apolo, there is also the possibility to import e-mail templates. In addition to the models provided by the software, if your colleague from another clinic uses Ninsaúde Apolo and has models that interest you, he can export the code for you to import into your account.

If you want to start your email template from scratch, or maybe you want to use those same messages on social networks, WhatsApp or SMS, we will make available here some quick templates for you to use with your patients.
Note that the following models are composed only of texts, but we will leave below each one an image that can be used along with the message. We do not recommend sending only images, as this type of email can be detected as spam. Check it out below:
Model 01
May your day be full of happiness and joy, and may your life guide you to many other successes and new achievements. Our partnership was built in a very positive way and we can only thank you for the trust and for always bringing with you a lot of cheers.
We hope that the next birthday will have many triumphs to share. May all difficulties be easily overcome and may our ties never be broken.
Receive the best wishes from our clinic! Congratulations and have a happy birthday full of HEALTH and many joys!

Model 02
Congratulations [addressee_name], today is your day!
We wish you much health, peace, success, and countless achievements. May your day be filled with happiness and all your goals are achieved! May you make the most of this special day that is entirely yours! Congratulations!

Model 03
Hi [addressee_name], how are you?
The great day has come to celebrate another year of your life. This is a time to thank for another year and make plans for the next.
I wish, from the bottom of my heart, that today is the beginning of another great moment in your life, full of success and joy.

Model 04
Hello [addressee_name], today is your day!
Time passes quickly and we are often so busy, living other moments, that we forget that our future depends on it. Live this wonderful phase of your life with wisdom. Search for new paths, fight for your goals, and always take care of your HEALTH, as this is certainly our most precious asset!
Congratulations, and may this date be repeated for many more years to come!

Model 05
Hi [addressee_name], congratulations for you day!
That when you receive this message your heart beats stronger, your eyes shine brighter, and that your smile gets wider. This is my most spontaneous and simple way of wishing for you to make this day a very special date and to enjoy it with those you love.
Light, peace, and lots of health are what I want for you on this feast day! Congratulations.

Model 06
Today I want to wish you the most sincere happiness, on this very special day that is your birthday. Congratulations! May you have many years of life, blessed and happy, and may these future days be full of harmony, peace, and fulfilled wishes.
May your heart be in celebration, with health always up to date! These are our most sincere wishes.

Model 07
Happy Birthday [addressee_name]!
May all eyes turn to you on this very special day, and may the hugs offered to you be sincere and harmonious. May you continue to walk the paths of life with great health and harmony!
Congratulations on your Birthday!

Model 08
Hi [addressee_name], today is your Birthday!
May the Creator's blessings be poured out on you abundantly. May life bring you peace, health, and much happiness.
May prosperity always knock on your door and may we have the pleasure of your company for long dates. These are our most sincere wishes to you, who complete another year of life. Congratulations!

Model 09
Life is made of phases, and with each anniversary, one phase ends so that another can begin. At each stage, we collect experiences, and so we form our luggage in life.
That in this new phase in your life you can collect many good experiences, and you can spend this special date with great health and in harmony.
Happy Birthday!

Model 10
Congratulations on completing another year of life! Receive our wishes for a happy birthday, celebrated with joy, and in the best company.
We wish you many years of life, happiness, great health, peace, and love!
To you, in particular, client and friend who pleasure us with your presence, we wish you a happy birthday.

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