The acronym CRM is well known among health professionals, but different from what many think, it is not always linked to Medicine. In the corporate world, the acronym CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management, and it is a method that aims to organize your contacts to close deals and increase your sales.
Customer Relationship Management can be put into practice, both in clinics and offices can be put into practice both in clinics, and offices, because it helps in attracting not only new customers but also the return of those who have already performed a procedure in your establishment. And for those who use the medical software Ninsaúde Apolo, it became much easier to manage their business, that's because the software now has the CRM tool.
Before we continue, we need to know: Do you already use medical software to perform your consultations at the clinic? We invite you to get to know Ninsaúde Apolo, online software that can be used on a tablet, smartphone, or in the traditional way, on computers. Learn more on our website
The number of health insurance in Brazil has been decreasing dramatically in recent years. As this occurs, consequently there is also a reduction in the number of beneficiaries of these operators (beneficiaries who are patients in different health facilities). Therefore, Ninsaúde Apolo's CRM aims to help clinics that wish to become more competitive in this market, making the number of sales continue to grow, thus covering this gap left by operators.
CRM: what is it?
As you already know, CRM is the acronym used for Customer Relationship Management and can be used as a strategy in sales, marketing, and service management. CRM stores information not only on current customers but also on those considered to be potential, bringing together all points of contact between you and your customer, including phone calls, emails, and visits, among other interactions.
In marketing, every business opportunity that shows interest in a product or service is called a lead. When using a CRM tool, whenever the salesperson contacts a lead, it is possible to store your data and include it in different trading stages, what we call a sales funnel. In addition, it is possible to insert a description in each of the interactions, making it possible to consult this history during the negotiation, which allows you to develop the best arguments at the time of sale.
Therefore, we can say that a CRM system goes much further than a simple list of contacts since with this tool it is possible to make more efficient approaches and offer a more pleasant experience to your customers during the negotiation process. With the advantage of keeping your work more organized, CRM makes available to the seller the entire history of information exchanged with customers, uniting all the necessary data in one place.
How does CRM Clinic Apolo work?
With the CRM Clinic Apolo sales funnel, you will be able to create a funnel for each type of sale and within it add steps. Within each step, the deals will be added, that is, your customers with whom you will be negotiating. These deals will be grouped in columns, thus obeying a pattern also present in other CRM systems on the market, such as Pipedrive, Bitrix24, RD Station, Salesforce, etc. To the extent that there is progress towards the completion of the sale, you can drag this deal to the next step column.

In the example above we have a funnel called Botox Instagram Campaign, where several stages were created: Interested, Proposal sent, Declined and Consultation scheduled. The contact cards that appear in the columns of each stage are the deals. Businesses are created based on the interest of the contact, and if this contact is a patient already registered in the Apolo system, you will be able to select it directly from your software database.
The fact of being able to use the clinic's database is a great advantage of the Apolo CRM, this is because it is much easier to sell to those who have already been a customer of your establishment at some point than to make a new sale to someone who doesn't know the clinic yet. Therefore, the advantage of using the Apolo CRM in your clinic is that all the contacts of your patients will already be registered in the system, thus facilitating the importation and creation of new businesses.
Regarding the steps, your cards can be customized receiving color variations as the user wants. This customization facilitates the follow-up of negotiations, because visually speaking, it is easy to associate such steps and colors with their degree of importance. In the example above, the Declined step was given the color red, which is popularly associated with danger. In this case, the "danger" concerns the loss of a potential customer.
Creating a funnel
When creating a funnel, after adding a description you will be able to choose a distribution. Distribution concerns the members of your team who will negotiate with the funnel contacts, this means you can choose the ideal employee to sell to that specific patient. The distribution options are: manually, rotation, and total value rotation. Find out more below.
- Manually: by choosing this option, whenever you create a deal you will be able to manually select a user to manage that deal.
- Rotation: in this option, choose specific users who will be part of the funnel and the system will automatically rotate the users, that is, for each new deal, one of the users is included in the negotiation, forming a rotation.
- Rotation by total value: similar to the rotation explained above, the differential of the rotation by value is that you can define business values for each employee. The higher the value, the more you need an experienced employee to be at the forefront of the negotiation, then apply the values to the correct users, and the system will rotate automatically.
After creating a funnel, you can also edit it and create restrictions, thus allowing only certain users to view and manage deals. This feature is interesting for clinics with multiple care units or healthcare franchises.
Adding a new business to step
When adding a new business, you can enter a description, the deadline for closing (which after this deadline, the same will be signaled by the colors yellow and red), and the value of the deal. As said before, you will also be able to link this deal to a system user, and in this way, it is understood that that negotiation will be done through that user, and the clinic administrator will be able to define the user according to the business value.
When entering the type of contact, you can select a patient from the clinic already registered in the system or another contact. With the deal saved, a card containing information about it is added to the column for that step, and by pressing it, it is possible to view not only the information you have entered but also more details about the contact, as well as a history of their passages through other funnels.
Through this history, you will be able to observe if this client has already gone through some stage of the type "Contact us in the future" or even "Declined negotiation", for example. If the contact is a patient registered in the clinic's system, you will also be able to view your appointment history and the warnings and blockings of your registration.
When you access a business, you also can make a call through software or your browser, just press on your contact's phone number. It is also possible to add an interaction, thus forming a history of the information exchanged during the negotiation.

Data Import
With CRM Clinic Apolo it is possible to import funnels, patients, and businesses from the Apolo system itself, thus saving your time so you don't have to repeat operations performed previously.
When importing funnels, it is possible to import and export models through codes. That way, when you create a perfect funnel, you can share it with your colleagues who use Ninsaúde Apolo CRM Clinic in their clinics.

Since CRM is a funnel process, we also know that some clients will use it to manage surgical appointments. Surgical scheduling, even though it is a process that depends on each hospital, can be controlled inside the clinic or office to avoid the lack of, for example, some document, equipment reservation, operator approval or just signing the informed consent. In this sense, to facilitate the configuration of the Ninsaúde Apolo CRM Clinic, we offer some models for our customers to import, one of them being the surgical scheduling model, and the other for sales.
Importing patients takes place within a business. You can choose between importing patients already registered at the clinic or importing deals from other existing funnels (which includes contacts not registered as patients). To import deals, you must choose a funnel and then one of the stages in this funnel. For example, in the "2021 Year-end Botox" funnel, there is a column called "Lost" or "I am currently not interested". It is possible to import these deals into the "Botox 2022" funnel and try to sell again to those people who already know the clinic.
As for importing patients, you will be importing multiple contacts at once, so you will need to use filters wisely. In the filters it is possible, for example, to import deals from all female patients, aged between 20-45 years, and through the service field, select botox applications, and with the field "Schedule period", enter the last 12 months. It is safe to say that the more segmented the import, the greater the chances of selling. The more open, the less successful.

Did you like the news? Keep following the blog for more content that will help you and your clinic. And if you still don't use software to manage your clinic or office, meet Ninsaúde Apolo. With it, you will be able to enjoy several advantages, among them the CRM Clinic. Go to and request a demo.