Just like doctors' offices and clinics, dental offices are also very busy, and with that, the whole team is busy a lot of the time.
Although some professionals resist the automation of processes, there is no denying that technology is still the best ally when it comes to productivity. For this reason, we will show in this article some of the main reasons for using management software in your clinic or dental office.
Have you ever imagined having all your patients, suppliers, and financial information in one place? This is the reality of those who use management software, which optimizes the working time and increases team productivity.
In terms of organization, for example, those who use the software do not need large archives occupying physical space to store patient records. In terms of security, there is no need to worry about who will be able to tamper with these cabinets and access sensitive information.
By using software, you protect your data and that of your patients, not only from human threats but also from catastrophes and accidents such as floods, and fires, among others. Security is even greater when it comes to cloud software, that is, those that do not need any installations. To learn more, check out our article on the benefits of using cloud software.

Time optimization and increased productivity
Simple everyday things, that you could take long minutes or even hours to do, with the use of software it is possible to accomplish with a few clicks. Imagine that it is necessary to search for a patient's file, and it takes several minutes to search a large file. With the use of software such as Ninsaúde Apolo, for example, just enter the patient's name and access his / her register, an act that takes a few seconds.
When it comes to customer service, it's no different. It is necessary to have more time available for a clearer conversation with the patient, and with that, the paper records end up getting in the way a little, since it takes more time to write than to click and type.
The same applies when carrying out financial activities: cash flow, income statement, transfer of commissions, etc. Not to mention routine activities, such as the simple fact of looking for a vague date in the agenda to schedule or reschedule a patient.
Improvement in the relationship with the patient
When the patient is well attended to, he always returns, and several factors influence this decision. As mentioned before, the fact of using software means that the health professional can have more time to communicate with the patient, and thus demonstrate which are the best treatment options.
One of the biggest complaints regarding clinics and offices is the fact that even arriving at the scheduled time, the patient still has to wait a long time at the reception, due to possible delays by health professionals. These delays can have several reasons, being external and internal, ranging from slow traffic to the lack of organization of the team.
The fact that it takes a long time to be seen at the reception, whether to schedule an appointment or return, or to know that your data will be vulnerable, also influences a lot, and all of this can be circumvented with the use of the software.

Better control of your finances
The financial management of any business requires a lot of attention, so it is of paramount importance to always be alert to the income and expenses, cash flow, and working capital of your clinic.
Software aimed at healthcare professionals, such as Ninsaúde Apolo, has dental management tools where through a financial panel, it is possible to monitor all the movement of payments and receipts in cash, card, and slips, among others.
Also, through the software, it is possible to generate not only reports, but also graphics, which will show the financial health of your business, and in this way, assist in decision making, as well as not letting you forget about your financial obligations.

For more tips like this, keep following our blog. If you still don't use management software in your clinic or office, get to know Ninsaúde Apolo. Get in touch with our sales team and ask all your questions. Go to the Apolo.app website.