COVID-19 Telemedicine and its future Telehealth or telemedicine through technology would have been possible a few decades ago, despite this, only recently did we have this tool open for medical use in patient care, generating valid medical records.
Health Cleveland Clinic - 100 years of history The Cleveland Clinic pioneered modern medicine by organizing a multi-specialty group together for the first time in 1921. Founded from a small medical clinic, the institution grew and is today the first institution
Medical software How to save time when scheduling patients? When starting an appointment, both the patient and the clinic receptionist prioritize speed, but we must not forget that good quality care is essential. For this to happen, it is important to create
Clinic Management How does Ninsaúde Apolo help pediatricians with care? Pediatricians are health professionals responsible for caring for children from the moment they are born to adolescence. In the first year of life, the child must go to the pediatrician monthly, and after
Clinic Management Common mistakes made by secretaries in clinics and offices Secretaries, as well as receptionists, are usually the people with whom the patient makes the first contact, either by phone or in person. On some occasions, this first contact is the crucial moment
Clinic Management How to properly dispose of clinic waste Something that most clinics have in common is healthcare waste, also called hospital waste. These wastes are divided into categories and represent a source of risks to human health and the environment, hence
Clinic Management Mistakes made in a clinic's cash flow and how to avoid Cash flow is a widely used tool to diagnose the financial health of a business, and it represents the movement of cash inflows and outflows in a given period in the company. Therefore,
Clinic Management How to improve internal communication in the clinic? Maintaining good communication with teammates is critical in any work environment. And when we talk about good communication, we are not just talking about how to relate, but the ability to send and
Clinic Management Brazilian LGPD: what is it and what is its impact on health? The Brazilian General Law on Protection of Personal Data (LGPD), Law No. 13,709, of August 14, 2018, provides for the processing of personal data, including in digital media, by a natural person
Clinic Management How to monitor clinic finances with Ninsaúde Apolo Regardless of the business, it is important to always be attentive to financial transactions and monitor receipts and payments. Not only in clinics but also in offices, it is important that there is
Clinic Management How to bring more patients to your clinic in 5 steps The patient acquisition cycle begins at the moment the patient has the first contact with you, your clinic, or office, and continues with quality care that aims to achieve their retention as loyal
Clinic Management Financial BPO for clinics and offices: know the advantages The term BPO, the acronym for Business Process Outsourcing, emerged in the mid-90s and has since gained increasing strength among companies and individual entrepreneurs, generating a significant reduction in operating costs for companies.
Clinic Management How does medical confidentiality work in a relationship with the patient? When we speak of medical confidentiality, we are referring directly to patient information. This information, shared during consultations, is a diagnostic tool and is stored in the medical record. The first records of
Clinic Management Tips for a successful online attendance Several factors can influence the success of a clinic, and without a doubt, the service is the main point, and the experience the patient has in service is what may result in his
Clinic Management Identify your clinic's target audience based on demographics Whatever your area of expertise (education, health, etc.), it is essential to know which audience we are working for, and that is why it is so important to know a little more about
HIPAA Security Rule HIPAA - Physical Safeguards The third paper within HIPAA talks about the Physical Safeguards that are created to protect all of the patient information. In this blog, we find four topics that can be used as guidance
Clinic Management Advantages of using the Ninsaúde Apolo electronic medical record When choosing medical software, several points must be noted, and among them, the advantages that the electronic medical record presents. The medical record should not only contain a field where the professional will
Clinic Management Improve the patient experience at the clinic reception The reception is the place where the patient has the first contact with the clinic, either by email, phone, or in person. For this reason, the patient should be received in the best
Clinic Management How to keep the medical agenda organized before and after holidays Some commemorative dates, especially those that fall on business days and are considered holidays, end up somewhat disrupting the routine of health professionals, as it is necessary to organize the agenda very well
Clinic Management The importance of separating personal finances from the clinic finances Carrying out the financial management of a clinic or office, as well as in any other type of company, is a very important task, and it must be done carefully. In some previous
Clinic Management Stock control at Ninsaúde Apolo: how does it work? The medical software Ninsaúde Apolo recently launched the stock control functionality, an essential tool to control the flow of products and samples from clinics and offices. Stock control is the process of monitoring
Clinic Management Medical software: the importance of well-crafted passwords When creating a social network, email, or even a registration on any website, it is always necessary to have a login and password. The password is part of a user's authenticity
Clinic Management How to register recurring expenses of the clinic more easily? One of the tools used in the management of several companies, which aims to measure the results obtained, is cash flow. Some management software, such as Ninsaúde Apolo, has cash flow as one
Clinic Management Medical software: access history report and its advantages With the medical software Ninsaúde Apolo, it is possible to have access to several reports and graphs where it is possible to analyze the performance of health professionals, the financial situation of the
Clinic Management Striking phrases by relevant health professionals in history Medicine is one of the oldest professions in the world. Since antiquity, several health professionals have left as a legacy not only their scientific discoveries but also an infinity of striking phrases. Names