How the Italian Health System works According to a study published by The Lancet Public Health magazine, coordinated by the Burlo Garofolo Pediatric Institute in Trieste, Italy's health system was among the 10 best in the world.
Medicine of the future The rise of women in the medical field in recent years For decades men dominated the field of medicine. However, surveys reveal that the number of women is increasing in this area, even surpassing the number of men who have entered medical universities. According
Commemorative dates National Suicide Prevention Week and the effects of the pandemic The Suicide Prevention Week campaign is dedicated to suicide prevention and public awareness of this issue, which is undoubtedly so sensitive. Annually, the number of suicides surpasses the 1 million mark worldwide. Most
Health The United States best hospitals - Honor Roll 2021 With a population of 311.6 million inhabitants and about 171 million visitors annually, the United States in its infrastructure needs to be prepared to accommodate all these people. According to the OECD
Health and Leisure Medical series to watch on Amazon Prime Video Prime Video is Amazon's streaming service and is available in over 200 countries. Besides films, series, and documentaries that are from the catalog itself, it offers television programs and films for
Commemorative dates How does Ninsaúde Apolo help psychologists in care? On the 27th of August, Psychologist's Day is celebrated in Brazil. For this reason, we decided to take advantage of the date to talk about the advantages that Ninsaúde Apolo medical
Medical Marketing How can doctors profit outside the office? It is quite common for some doctors to work in private practice and in conjunction with other colleagues sharing the space, in medical clinics or hospitals. Despite being a good way to earn
Commemorative dates Golden August - Breastfeeding Month Campaigns for the World Breastfeeding Week began in the 1990s, but Breastfeeding Month in Brazil was only instituted by law in 2017. The name "Agosto Dourado" was chosen because the golden
Health and Leisure Medical documentaries to watch on Netflix As the most popular streaming service on the planet, Netflix has an extensive catalog of movies, series, and documentaries that appeal to all types of audiences, including healthcare professionals. Here on the blog,
Dentistry How to set up a dental office? The first steps in a healthcare professional's journey are often difficult, because, besides the lack of experience, other obstacles can be found along the way, such as the doubts that arise
Medicine abroad How does the healthcare system work in Latvia? Latvia, a country with a population of approximately 2 million people, has a health system very similar to the rest of the European Union, although only about 47% of its population considers it
Medical Marketing How to make a medical podcast? Podcasts have been as successful as YouTube channels, because in addition to providing entertainment, they can also be used to address more serious matters or even a little knowledge, without the need for
Health and Leisure Doctors with style: tips of what to wear under the coat The lab coat has become one of the symbols of medicine, and often, the look that is underneath this piece ends up being overshadowed or even forgotten. The fact is that even using
Medicine abroad How does Japan's healthcare system work? Japan's Statutory Health Insurance System (SHIS) has universal health coverage and is among the most effective health models in the world. Created in 1961, the current system is the result of
Medical software How to apply satisfaction surveys in the clinic with Ninsaúde Apolo Satisfaction surveys are extremely important for the reputation of your clinic or office, as they allow you to find out what your patients think about your care and the establishment in general. With
Clinic Management Common mistakes made by secretaries in clinics and offices Secretaries, as well as receptionists, are usually the people with whom the patient makes the first contact, either by phone or in person. On some occasions, this first contact is the crucial moment
Medicine of the future Most requested specialties in medical shifts If you are a trained health professional or are close to completing your studies, and still have doubts about whether you intend to pursue a medical career with any specialty or not, to
Medicine of the future Is there a difference in salary between men and women in medicine? Gender wage inequality has been much discussed in recent years, which does not suggest that there has been any very significant change in this issue, including among medical professionals. As an example, in
Medical software Cardiology: surgical risk assessment scales at Ninsaúde Apolo Rating scales are important tools when attending various medical specialties, including cardiologists. With these tools, it is possible to make a better analysis of the exams that precede a surgery, and thus, raise
Commemorative dates Should health plans cover sex reassignment surgery? When the subject is transsexuality, many doubts arise. As June is LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, we decided to address this issue, more precisely to comment on sex reassignment surgery and how health plans should
Clinic Management How to properly dispose of clinic waste Something that most clinics have in common is healthcare waste, also called hospital waste. These wastes are divided into categories and represent a source of risks to human health and the environment, hence
Commemorative dates June Red: know the requirements for blood donation The June Red campaign emerged in Brazil to draw the population's attention to blood donations, especially at this time of year, which, as it is colder, usually results in a drop
Health and Leisure Netflix Tips: 5 Movies Involving Medicine Netflix, an online streaming service that offers a wide variety of award-winning series, films, and documentaries, is currently the most popular streaming on the planet, reaching nearly 139 million subscribers in over 190
Medicine abroad How the health care system works in Australia According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Australia's health system is one of the best in the world. With well-equipped hospitals and a great team of health professionals, life expectancy averages
Health and Leisure Medical Shifts: Foods That Provide Energy and Vitality The shift is an activity that can be performed by several specialties: orthopedists, cardiologists, neurologists, and general surgeons. On-call doctors usually face exhausting work hours, so it is important to maintain a healthy