Clinic Management CRM Clinic: Apolo Funnel for Clinics and Offices The acronym CRM is well known among health professionals, but different from what many think, it is not always linked to Medicine. In the corporate world, the acronym CRM stands for Customer Relationship
Medical software How to generate a report with a patient attendance list Using good software in clinics and offices is increasingly necessary, this is because its functionalities help in the work not only of health professionals but also of other team members. Keeping appointments organized
Clinic Management Receptionist Course 👩💼 The Ideal Profile - Ninsaúde Apolo Today we will address the main requirements that a receptionist for clinics needs to have. Do you own a clinic and want to hire someone to perform this role? Or are you the
Clinic Management How to avoid overloading the clinic doctors Professional overload is one of the main reasons that lead people to health problems. These problems are usually related to tiredness and stress, as is the case for example with Burnout Syndrome. Recognizing
Four ways that the Apolo EHR helps you with humanized care A new trend in healthcare is prioritizing quality, value-based care that focuses on patient outcomes and providing a good experience, also called humanized care, and those do not focus on the number of
Medical software How to use the call panel in clinic marketing With the technology of management software, it has become much easier to manage your clinic's waiting room. One of the most used tools for this management is the call panel, which
Medical software How to locate medical records through ICDs and TAGs The electronic medical record is one of the most important tools within medical software, after all, it is through it that the health professional will record the evolution of the patient. In the
Medical software Data Import - Do it yourself with Ninsaúde Apolo Importing data is about uploading data from an external source to the software. To transfer this data, it is first necessary to make a backup of it, that is, a backup copy. This
Clinic Management Learn why you should ditch paper records The medical record is a much older document than one can imagine because, in the middle of 1600 BC, the Egyptians already recorded health information on papyrus. The organization of medical records made
Congresses and Events Ninsaúde Software at Brazilian Hospital Fair 2022 The 27th Brazilian Hospital Fair took place between the 17th and 20th of May. The event that took place at São Paulo Expo, in the capital, attracted more than 50 thousand people and
Medical software How to use telehealth in your practice In this pandemic year, it was possible to notice the importance of technology not only in everyday life and for personal use, but in the professional scope and mainly in health. COVID-19 has
Success Cases Success Case - Testimony from Servir Saúde Homecare Ninsaúde Apolo is a management software that operates in the health market, helping clinics and offices in their care. Home care clinics are also benefiting from Ninsaúde Apolo features, and one of them
Medical software How to generate budgets for patients with Ninsaúde Apolo During the visit to the health professional, it is very common that the patient has not yet made a decision, thus being in the process of analyzing the possibilities of carrying out a
New Clinics Medical office and clinic rental: discover the advantages Do you have a large clinic or office with spare rooms? Or maybe you're on the other side of the story, being a health professional at the beginning of his career
Congresses and Events Brazilian Hospital Fair 2022 - Ninsaúde has confirmed its presence Scheduled to take place from May 17th to 20th, the 27th Brazilian Hospitalar Fair will take place at São Paulo Expo and Ninsaúde will be present at the event. Besides talking about managing
Success Cases Success Case - Check the case of Azidus Brasil Developed by Ninsaúde, the Apolo system has been used in several medical offices, clinics, and institutions not only in Brazil but also in other countries. One of these institutions is Azidus Brasil -
Medical software How to prepare patient check-in with email marketing Each appointment the patient schedules is a new journey he is about to embark on. During this journey, the patient goes through several stages until he arrives at the care with the health
Medical software How to manage your patients' physical therapy sessions Physiotherapeutic treatment can be essential at different times, whether for those who suffer from chronic pain in the body or even in more serious cases, as in movement rehabilitation. Usually after an evaluation,
Medical software Learn who deleted or changed data in your medical software The use of the software is important in several areas (commerce, education, health, among others) as it aims to facilitate the processes during work, bringing not only agility in their actions but also
Medical software Open a healthcare franchise: how can medical software help? Franchises in the healthcare area are usually a great investment, after all, this is an essential area and for this reason, your franchise will hardly go through any crisis. However, for maximum success,
Congresses and Events 28th SLAOT Congress: Ninsaúde confirms presence This year Ninsaúde Software will be present at the SLAOT Congress - Latin American Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology. In 2022, the event celebrates its 28th edition and takes place in person on
Medical software Why change from Excel spreadsheets to medical software? There was a time when management software was not as complete as the current ones, and for this reason, Excel spreadsheets were great allies of clinics and offices. Many individuals and companies still
Medical software How does Ninsaúde Apolo help gynecologists and obstetricians? Gynecology and Obstetrics is an area of medicine that deals with two specialties at the same time, both focus on women's health. While gynecology studies the female genital system, obstetrics studies
New Clinics How to set the duration of a medical appointment? The medical consultation is an important moment of connection between health professional and patient because through this meeting it is possible to collect information to arrive at a diagnosis. The duration of consultation
Medical Marketing How to convert Instagram followers into a full agenda? Instagram is one of the busiest social networks today, and through this network, it is possible to attract several customers to your business. Concerning consultations carried out by health professionals, it is no