The June Red campaign emerged in Brazil to draw the population's attention to blood donations, especially at this time of year, which, as it is colder, usually results in a drop in the number of donations.

Blood donation is essential for us to maintain global health, and it is fundamental for saving lives. In several procedures, especially surgeries, blood plays a fundamental role and is considered irreplaceable. As it is a completely voluntary act, it is necessary to make the population aware that, without donations, there is no blood bank.

Another reason why the month of June was chosen was the fact that in this same month, more precisely on the 14th, we also commemorate World Blood Donor's Day.

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The process for donating blood starts even before the act since there are not only many health issues but also many health surveillance rules to limit the possibility of donating contaminated blood, which can even happen because of the immunological window.

Besides being in good health, it is important to be fed. However, it is important to avoid fatty foods in the 3 hours before blood donation, and if you donate after lunch, you must wait at least 2 hours.  In addition, it is also necessary that the donor has slept at least 6 hours in the last 24 hours, and there should be no alcohol intake in the 12 hours before donation.

When donating blood, some possible impediments are observed, which can be temporary or permanent. It is necessary to meet some basic requirements, such as being between 16 and 69 years old (provided that the first donation was made up to 60 years of age) and weighing at least 50Kg. You must have a document with a photo to prove your identity, and minors under 18 years of age can only donate with formal consent from those responsible.

Temporary impediments to blood donation

Check out the main situations that can prevent anyone from temporarily donating blood:

  • Flu, cold, and fever: wait 7 days after symptoms disappear;
  • Pregnancy or post-pregnancy period (in the second case, wait 90 days for normal delivery and 180 days for cesarean section);
  • Breastfeeding: wait up to 12 months after delivery;
  • Tattooing, permanent makeup, and/or piercing in the last 12 months (piercing in the oral cavity or genital region prevents donation);
  • Teeth extraction: wait 72 hours after the extraction;
  • Appendicitis, hernia, tonsillectomy, varicose veins: wait 3 months;
  • Cholecystectomy, hysterectomy, nephrectomy, fracture reduction, multiple trauma without severe sequelae, thyroidectomy, colectomy: wait 6 months;
  • Blood transfusion: wait 1 year;
  • Vaccination: varies according to the type of vaccine, you may have to wait hours or even weeks;
  • Endoscopic exams or procedures (upper digestive endoscopy, colonoscopy, rhinoscopy, etc.): wait 6 months;
  • Having been exposed to situations of increased risk for sexually transmitted infections (wait 12 months after exposure).
  • Covid-19 infected: wait at least 30 days after complete clinical recovery (asymptomatic).
  • Health professionals (doctors, nurses, and others) who work directly with patients with Covid-19: wait 14 days after the last day of contact.

Definitive impediments to blood donation

Check out the main situations that can prevent anyone from definitively donating blood:

  • Having experienced hepatitis after 11 years of age;
  • Clinical or laboratory evidence of the following blood-borne diseases: Hepatitis B and C, AIDS (HIV), diseases associated with HTLV I and II viruses, and Chagas disease;
  • Use of illicit injectable drugs;
  • Malaria.

Post-donation care

After donating blood, it is important to take some precautions, and it is recommended to remain at the collection site for another 15 minutes to avoid feeling bad about the donation. The donor must continue to feel well during the day the blood donation is made.

In the 12 hours after the donation, avoid exaggerated physical exertion, and under no circumstances should you work on scaffolding or practice extreme sports such as skydiving or diving.

In the period after the donation, have a small snack and hydrate yourself. To do this, increase your water intake. If you are a smoker, avoid smoking for at least 2 hours after collection and avoid alcoholic beverages for at least 12 hours. Also, keep your bandage on for at least 4 hours.