Franchises in the healthcare area are usually a great investment, after all, this is an essential area and for this reason, your franchise will hardly go through any crisis. However, for maximum success, it is necessary to plan and use good medical software so you can assemble strategies, including from the clinic's average ticket.
Although the pandemic has destabilized the financial sector, little by little, the economy has been recovering and franchises are among the businesses that have grown the most in the current market. In Brazil, among the franchises with the greatest increase in the number of branches (considering the years 2020 to 2021), is OdontoCompany, a franchise network of dental clinics.
With this growth in the health area, we can see that it is worth investing in franchises, but it is necessary to be attentive to the smallest details before facing a new journey. Therefore, a good technique for those who already work with care but want to start a franchise is to analyze the average ticket of the clinic.
Before we continue, we need to know: Do you already use medical software to perform your consultations at the clinic? We invite you to get to know Ninsaúde Apolo, online software that can be used on a tablet, smartphone, or in the traditional way, on computers. Learn more on our website
What is the average ticket?
The Average Ticket is an indicator of sales performance and represents how much is earned on average per customer. It is calculated by adding the total sales in a given period and dividing by the number of customers. For example, let's say that over a period of time you have attended 10 appointments at your clinic, being that in 7 of them the value of the payment per consultation was $300, and in the other 3 consultations the value was $200 each. Adding the value of these 10 queries, we have a total of $2.700 and an average ticket of $270 per service, which is the result of 2700 (total amount in queries) divided by 10 (total amount of queries).

How important is the average ticket?
Considered one of the most important metrics of a business, the average ticket allows the manager to obtain valuable information for the elaboration of strategies, as well as understand and predict the evolution of your clinic. Therefore, this information is also extremely important for anyone who wants to open a franchise, because it is from the average ticket that all unit economics are planned to assess whether the business will have a good future, whether the franchise will be popular or not, among other features. The collection of this information is also important due to the influence that all this has on costs, contracts, and quality of service offered.
Unit economics - expression is the name given to all financial knowledge, composed of the metrics and indicators of a business. Thus, they are used to verify the efficiency of capital use, to measure the applicability of a company's costs and expenses.
Source - Whow
How to leverage the average ticket information?
The average ticket has the power to reveal the profile of the patients you serve and those who will be with you on your new journey, opening a franchise. In addition, other information can be analyzed together with the average ticket, and in this way bring a projection about the future of your business. This information can even refer to the most used type of payment. For example, by analyzing the average ticket, you can define whether to accept cash only or credit card, or others.
Another way to benefit from this information is to use them to justify the investment of opening a franchise since, for the franchisor, the average ticket will be used in the projection of how much the franchisee will be able to bill monthly.
How to calculate the average ticket automatically?
As you have already seen in this article, the calculation of the average ticket is in a way quite simple, but imagine having to gather information on values and number of calls, to then still perform these calculations manually? It would certainly be a lot of work. With that in mind, the medical software Ninsaúde Apolo has the ideal tool for clinics that want to obtain this information in a very practical way.
In Apolo's Finance menu you will find the Graphs submenu, where you can have access to various information regarding the clinic's financial releases. Here on the blog, we have already commented on the subject in our article "How to analyze clinic performance with Ninsaúde Apolo charts".
In the graphs submenu, you will find the average ticket per patient attended graph. Whenever you access this screen, the system will show information from the last 12 months, wherein the average ticket graph it is possible to visualize the result of each of the months separately, as shown in the image below, where we visualize the period Feb/2021 to Feb/2022 (it is necessary to hover the mouse over it to view the values for each month):

It is also possible, through filters, to enter a specific period, and thus have access to other periods that are not within the last 12 months. In addition, you can also view the results in line format (as in the picture shown above) or in column format, as in the example below:

Besides graphics, Ninsaúde Apolo has several reports that can help clinic administrators in making decisions, and all can be exported to excel, in the same way as charts can be saved in PNG format image. In this way, you can use the graphs to find out the average ticket per patient served, and then generate a report to find out which payment methods were mostly used in that period.
So, did you like our tips? Keep following the blog for more articles like this one, and if you still don't use management software to make your appointments, come and meet Ninsaúde Apolo.