There are countless factors to consider when hiring a management system for your clinic and, with so many options on the market, you need to be aware of each one. The software must meet the main demands of the clinic, in addition to good performance and ease of use.
Here are some of the main aspects to be observed when choosing software for your clinic. All the following features are found in Ninsaúde Apolo.
1 - Security
It is essential to choose secure software, after all, it will contain information not only from the clinic but also from the patients, which is extremely confidential. At Ninsaúde Apolo, in addition to physical security, data centers are equipped with alarms, biometrics, and laser intrusion detection, among others. Another important point to consider is end-to-end security, with encrypted data that will protect your information from major internet vulnerabilities.
Just a pause before we continue, did you know that the Ninsaúde Apolo clinic and office management system is perfect for health clinics? We always work with new improvements, and discover exclusive advantages here.
2 - Ease of use
Many health professionals feel insecure when switching to software because they fear not adapting. There is very complex software where it takes several clicks to perform a simple action or even a confusing design.
However, at Ninsaúde Apolo, all information is displayed clearly and objectively, as it was planned from the beginning, thinking about the best experience for professionals.
3 - Features offered
It is important to note what the clinic needs and what are the benefits offered by the chosen software. The main function of a system is to bring practicality to the day-to-day actions and increase the productivity of users, so, in this context, it is necessary to highlight which features will best assist in the workday.
In addition to offering basic features such as a good scheduling mechanism and electronic medical record, it is important that it has features that will also assist in the area of finance, billing, automatic confirmation of schedules, online scheduling, reports, and graphs preferably without additional costs.

4 - Cost-benefit
When hiring a service many people look for the cheapest. But there is that phrase that says “cheap is expensive”, and this maxim makes perfect sense if we analyze the real value of this product.
It is important to emphasize that price is what represents a quantity of money, while value is the importance that the service has for the customer.
Therefore, check what the software has to offer and if its functionality will meet your needs so that you avoid having to use other tools at additional costs.

5 - Support and Training
Providing good service and quality support is the minimum that any supplier should offer, and when we talk about support we are not just referring to solving any technical problems, but also clarifying doubts about the system's functionalities through easily accessible communication channels, such as email and phone.
Participating in training before starting to use the software is also very important, after all, it is at that moment that you will actually know all the features of the system and will be able to learn how best to use them in your favor, so it is always important to make sure that the company will provide such a service and if that there will be additional costs.