When choosing a management system for clinics, it is necessary to be aware of the main benefits that it can bring to the entire team. The electronic medical record is one of the most important parts of software, as it will contain all information about the patient inserted by the health professional.
Ninsaúde Apolo is a software that has an electronic medical record that facilitates the work of the most diverse specialties. With that in mind, we list below some of the features of Ninsaúde Apolo that most cardiologists like.
Custom forms
With this functionality, the health professional can create anamnesis models that will be available for use at the time of care. With the form ready, just insert the patient's answers, which will be stored with the evolution, bringing practicality and agility.
In the forms, there is the possibility to choose between several types of questions, including with calculated field, where you can insert a formula to generate a score or other calculations made by the system itself, such as the BMI for example.
Also, the Ninsaúde team offers some models of forms for various specialties, so the health professional can start using the system with materials ready for their care.
Just a pause before we continue, did you know that the Ninsaúde Apolo clinic and office management system is perfect for health clinics? We always work with new improvements, discover exclusive advantages here.
Replacement of variables
In addition to the calculated field available in the form of templates, in the evolution itself, it is possible to perform calculations from the replacement of variables, obtaining values such as those corresponding to the body surface area, ejection fraction, and shortening fraction, calculations used in cardiology.
Inserting tags
The tagging functionality is widely used because in this way that the health professional is able to insert quick and punctual information about the patient in care. The Ninsaúde Apolo tags are very similar to the hashtags of social networks like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, and the interesting thing about adding them to the chart is that later on, the health professional will be able to generate reports and have access to graphics based on in the inserted tags, or even search for a specific patient.

Medical prescription and allergy signaling
With the prescription tab, the health professional has access to a database of medicines from several laboratories that can be added to the prescription with a few clicks.
Before starting a prescription, it is possible to insert an allergy that the patient has to an active principle, class of medication, or other agents, causing the prescription to create an alert about the allergy.
Reports and charts
At Ninsaúde Apolo there are several carts and reports that help doctors to get to know their patients better, in addition to checking the evolution of their treatments.
See the example of the "follow-up after treatment" report. With this report, it is possible to know how many attendances are needed to get a specific form response. Example: 10 visits to achieve pain intensity equal to 2, with pain intensity being the question on a form.
Charts are also widely used, and many of them are automatically generated by the system. On the attendance screen, the health professional will also be able to generate graphics from forms answered by the patient, which will give rise to exclusive information from their medical records.