There was a time when management software was not as complete as the current ones, and for this reason, Excel spreadsheets were great allies of clinics and offices. Many individuals and companies still make use of this tool nowadays, but with the advancement of technology, it can be said that its use is no longer so necessary.
The routine of those who work in clinics and offices is very hectic and involves several activities: appointments, registrations, receipts and payments, attendance, and billings, among others. For example, when scheduling a patient you need to set the date and time of this appointment, which procedure will be performed, and which health professional will assist you.
If the patient does not have a record, it is necessary to enter multiple information about him in his file, and when he pays for the consultation, it is necessary to register the form of payment and the amounts paid by him. Not only receipts but all other activities need to be recorded, and for that, it is necessary to use a practical and above all safe tool.
Before we continue, we need to know: Do you already use medical software to perform your consultations at the clinic? We invite you to get to know Ninsaúde Apolo, online software that can be used on a tablet, smartphone, or in the traditional way, on computers. Learn more on our website
Management software emerged to facilitate the work of those who need to gather so much information in one place. In addition, the software is much safer and has many features that do not exist in spreadsheets. Therefore, we have separated some advantages of management software and why you should change spreadsheets for medical software.

Various built-in features
Spreadsheets can be a "quick fix" for healthcare professionals who are starting their careers, but they will never be able to replace all the functionalities existing in good medical software. By bringing so many tools together in one place, the software has a huge advantage over spreadsheets. Imagine having to record appointments, receipts, and payments, among other information in several spreadsheets? Besides being impractical, with so many documents open on your computer, this would certainly result in a slowdown on the machine.
A greater amount of resources are available
While spreadsheets are primarily intended to gather the information that is entered directly by you, in addition to this function, the software can also generate various information automatically from those that were manually entered. In software, you can take care of scheduling, attendance, and finances, all in one place, and you can even use this data to create prospecting strategies through graphs and reports.
Let's take the medical software Ninsaúde Apolo as an example, check out just some of its built-in features below:
- Online Scheduling;
- Multi-clinical and multi-professional agenda with room scheduling;
- Schedule blocking through events;
- Vacancy alert for future available dates;
- Appointment confirmation via Whatsapp;
- Possibility for the patient to fill in the registration form at the reception or send it by e-mail;
- "On hold" status with notice to the healthcare professional;
- Entry of receipts;
- Panel to call in patients;
- Insertion of files in the patient's record;
- Among others.
- Electronic medical record with legal validity;
- Prescription and prescription of exams signed with digital certificate*
- Models of prescriptions and other documents printed directly from the chart screen;
- Insertion of files directly on the chart screen;
- Insertion of ICDs, allergies, and forms with anamnesis;
- Odontogram;
- Growth curve and other graphs;
- Easy access to patient history;
- Vaccination booklet;
- Cards with more relevant patient information;
- Among others.
* The digital certificate must be acquired by the health professional.
- Single, installment, or recurring receipt and payment bonds;
- Account registration and bank reconciliation;
- Receipts;
- Professional Commission;
- Cash flow and Income Statement;
In addition to these features, many others are available on Ninsaúde Apolo, such as email marketing, satisfaction surveys, iCal calendar, etc. It is worth mentioning that Ninsaúde Apolo is a cloud software, that is, it can be accessed from any device (computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone) through the user's login and password.
More security
For those who are used to using Excel spreadsheets, you should already know that there are some strategies for the document to be edited only by authorized people or even that access to it is done through a password, however, none of this prevents a spreadsheet from being deleted and its data lost, for example.
On the other hand, in this regard, the software is much safer, especially those that store their data in the cloud, such as Ninsaúde Apolo. As it is online software, it cannot be deleted from the clinic's computers, because it is possible to access it from any computer using only a browser, as long as you are connected to the internet. Its access is through passwords that each user has, and the system administrator can even configure each user profile so that only specific screens can be accessed.
Ninsaúde Apolo also has several security mechanisms that help protect clinic and patient data even against hackers. We use AES-256 encryption with symmetric keys which are also encrypted with a master key stored in the key store. Also, the master key is changed regularly. Ninsaúde Apolo also uses more than 30 data centers spread across South America, North America, Europe, Asia, and the Pacific, and with this distribution, we absorb distributed attacks. Another important point to highlight is our infrastructure, which has certification of compliance with various standards and controls, in addition to undergoing independent third-party audits to test data protection, privacy and security.

Ease to use
It is true that with Excel spreadsheets it is possible to keep part of the work organized and even do calculations, but for that, it is necessary to have a certain knowledge about the tool. Excel has many tricks, but to know how to use all of them with mastery, the user must have advanced knowledge, which is not always possible to acquire with brief tutorials, unlike management software.
For example, let's say you need to make financial spreadsheets, and in this case, it is important to know that to perform calculations through Excel it is necessary to use several formulas. On the other hand, if you use management software such as Ninsaúde Apolo, just feed the software with information from the clinic and the calculations are done automatically, such as cash flow for example.
In addition to the advantage of totally intuitive software, in Ninsaúde Apolo users can schedule an online training as soon as they acquire their licenses to use the software, and they can also watch recorded training that is made especially for each type of user (secretaries, health professionals, and administrators), thus containing the explanation of the screens most used by each one of them. Besides the complete training, there are also small videos inside the system where the user can watch a quick tutorial on specific features, these videos have an average duration of 3 minutes.
Better time management
Given all the advantages already mentioned in this article, when we talk about time management we don't even need to go very deep into the subject to understand that with software you manage your activities much better and work much more quickly. All the tools are already integrated into the software and you just need to use them by inserting information, whereas with Excel it is necessary to spend a lot of time creating spreadsheets and formulas, for only then, after a lot of work, enter information.

So, did you like our tips? Keep following the blog for more articles like this one, and if you still don't use management software to make your calls, come and meet Ninsaúde Apolo.