How to hire employees for your health practice

The process of hiring new staff for a medical clinic is a pivotal undertaking that can significantly impact patient satisfaction, operational efficiency, and the overall reputation of the practice. Whether you're a seasoned clinic administrator or a healthcare professional stepping into a managerial role for the first time, the journey of recruiting and onboarding new team members requires a strategic approach and a deep understanding of both medical expertise and interpersonal skills.

Whether you're expanding your medical practice, replacing retiring staff, or seeking to enhance your clinic's services, the insights shared here will serve as your compass on this journey of assembling a skilled and compassionate healthcare team. Your clinic's success starts with the people who form its foundation, and by mastering the art of hiring new staff, you're not just filling positions – you're cultivating an environment where healthcare excellence can truly thrive.

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The job

Hiring new employees for a health practice, as we mentioned, requires a thoughtful and systematic approach to ensure you find qualified and dedicated individuals who will contribute positively to your team.

First, you need to define the job role and the responsibilities of each open position. Clearly outline the roles and responsibilities of the positions you need to fill. Determine the specific qualifications, skills, and experience required for each role. Write detailed job descriptions that provide a clear understanding of the job expectations, responsibilities, qualifications, and any relevant certifications or licenses required.

Research industry standards and your budget to determine competitive compensation packages and benefits. This could include salary, health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks, like bonuses, meals, and transportation vouchers. It is also good to talk a little about the installation of your clinic, its whereabouts, and if there's any dress code that future employees have to respect. The more information you give in the job description, the fewer questions the candidates will have, and unqualified candidates are less tempted to send an application.

After you have these things defined, it's time to advertise the positions. Use various channels to advertise your job openings. This could include your practice's website, online job boards, social media platforms, local newspapers, and professional organizations. But we talk more about these options in the next topic.

Applications and resumes

In the first moment, if you already have an employee working with you, it is interesting to ask for referrals, after all, nobody knows better your needs than an employee who already works at your clinic. In situations where your staff members have a connection with a potential candidate, it's frequently someone they share a close friendship with. This link provides them with the insights to gauge qualities such as reliability, punctuality, attention to detail, and interpersonal compatibility – all critical markers that predict the success of a new employee. This knowledge grants you a significant edge, as these aspects often remain obscured during the standard candidate interview process.

But if prefer you can take applications and resumes from other places. In this case, you need to carefully review all received resumes and applications to shortlist candidates who meet the specified qualifications. Look for relevant experience, skills, and education.

You can even let patients know what you’re looking for by posting a flier in your office (maybe in the waiting area, or the exam room), or posting on social media can be another effective and cost-free way to let everyone who follows your practice know that you’re looking. Or if you want, you can use sites like Craigslist, which has a small fee for job postings but has a great traffic of people seeking jobs.


You may also talk with your colleagues, to ask for indications or if they recommend someone for the position that you have opened. There's also the possibility that they've encountered potential candidates during interviews, individuals who left a positive impression but weren't ultimately chosen due to specific factors. Moreover, among their connections, there could be family members who possess an understanding of your enterprise and are enthusiastic about gaining exposure within a medical practice, yet are keen on maintaining a distinction between their personal and professional spheres.

And at last, when you have some resumes that you like, contact the references provided by the candidates to verify their work history and performance. This step can help you gain insights into the candidate's past performance and work ethic before you call them to the interview.


Now that you selected some candidates, it's time to call them for a more personal talk. Interview the shortlisted candidates to assess their fit for the role and your practice's culture. Consider using a mix of behavioral, situational, and technical questions to gauge their abilities.

In this step of the process, it is good not only to know more about the candidate but also how they deal with situations in the workspace. You may like to ask questions such as "Can you describe a challenging patient interaction you've had in the past and how you handled it?", "How do you stay up-to-date with the latest medical advancements and industry best practices?", "Can you share an example of a mistake you've made in a clinical setting and how you addressed it?", or "In a fast-paced medical clinic, unexpected challenges can arise. How do you manage your time and prioritize tasks effectively?". These are all good and valid questions that can help you understand what type of employee the person will be.

The interview is also the perfect time for you to apply any test that you think is necessary to assess the candidate's abilities in a real-world scenario. A test can also help you decide in case you're two or more candidates go too well in the interview, this can be a decisive point in selecting one instead of another. For certain roles, you might want to conduct a second round of interviews with a smaller group of candidates to make a final selection.

Consider the candidate's compatibility with your practice's values, mission, and team dynamics. A good cultural fit can contribute to a harmonious and productive work environment.

Once you've identified the right candidate, extend a formal offer letter that outlines the terms of employment, including compensation, benefits, start date, and any other relevant details.

Throughout the hiring process, ensure that candidates have a positive experience with your practice, regardless of whether they are selected. A positive reputation can attract more qualified candidates in the future. And for the candidates who were not selected, give feedback informing them of your decision.

Starting on the job

After the candidate accepts the offer, you can conduct any necessary background checks, such as criminal history or verification of licenses. Plan an effective onboarding process to help the new employees integrate smoothly into your practice.

Provide the necessary training to help the new employees excel in their roles. This could include technical training, software usage, and an orientation to your practice's policies and procedures. If you have another person in charge, it is good that this person does a training period with the new employee if possible.

Schedule regular check-ins and performance reviews to provide feedback, address concerns, and set performance goals for the new employees. With the satisfaction survey of Ninsaúde Apolo, you can check what your patients are thinking about the service of your clinic, and of your employees. This helps to identify any trouble at the reception or in the attendance of your patients.

And to finish, we hope that you can end your search for personnel and have a solid and efficient group of employees.

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