Satisfaction surveys are extremely important for the reputation of your clinic or office, as they allow you to find out what your patients think about your care and the establishment in general.
With the surveys, it is possible to discover in a simple way which services are offered that most please your patients, in which points the clinic is hitting, and which are the points of improvement to apply. In this sense, capturing the feedback is of paramount importance, as a dissatisfied patient will possibly not return to the clinic and may also contribute to negative marketing, and this damage should be repaired so as not to affect future finances, as well as their reputation.
With the Ninsaúde Apolo medical software, it is possible to apply satisfaction surveys in simple and practical ways, and the patient can answer them while still at the clinic, through a tablet at the reception or from the smartphone, or if you prefer, you can send the survey by email for him to respond when he's in the comfort of his own home.

Another interesting point is that surveys do not necessarily need to be of satisfaction, as they can also be applied when the clinic wants to implement a new package of services or on other similar occasions.
Before we continue, we need to know: do you already use medical software to perform your appointments at the clinic? We invite you to discover Ninsaúde Apolo, an online software that can be used by any specialty. Learn more at our website.
Creating the satisfaction survey
To create a survey using Ninsaúde Apolo, first, the user must access the Applications menu, and then the Survey Templates submenu. By pressing the New button, enter the model description, that is, the name of your survey, and then just add the questions.
The questions can be prepared in 7 different ways, so the patient can answer them with a short text, long text, multiple-choice (you can check only one alternative or several), a score from zero to ten, yes or no answers, and evaluation of the reception and healthcare professional through emojis.

Applying QR Code Search
Although it gained greater visibility a few years ago, the QR Code has been in existence since 1994 and was created in Japan, which is considered an evolution of the barcode. The code can be easily read just by pointing the camera of your smartphone or tablet device at it, however, on some less current devices, you may need a QR Code reader app.

To send a satisfaction survey of Ninsaúde Apolo by QR Code, choose a patient in the agenda with the status of attended and click on the schedule. Then click on the Send survey option and choose one of the survey models already registered in the system. When selecting the model, the system shows the QR Code on the screen, then just point to the camera of the device you want to use and the survey will be available for the patient to respond.

As you can see in the image above, it is also possible that the survey will be sent by email. In this case, the system selects the e-mail address registered in the patient's record, but it can be changed when sending the survey, on this same screen.
Applying the email survey
In addition to the method mentioned above, in Ninsaúde Apolo it is possible to program the triggering of automatic messages using the email marketing functionality. Email marketing can be used for several purposes, including sending satisfaction surveys. To do this, simply access the Applications menu and email marketing submenu. Then create an email template asking the patient to complete the survey and enter the survey in the body of the message. To enter the survey, just use the auto-texts tool.

Automatic texts are variables that after sending the e-mail will be replaced by other information such as the recipient's name, and scheduling time, among other examples such as the satisfaction survey itself.
When you finish the email template, you have to add some details like the header, who it will be sent to, and when it will be sent. When choosing who will be sent to (in "Send to") all patients will already be selected automatically, but it is possible to apply filters so that the email is sent only to an age group, gender, or even to patients who underwent a procedure-specific in the clinic.
When choosing when it will be sent (under "When"), we recommend that you choose "From Schedules". Therefore, enter an amount, an interval (which can be days, months, or years) and select the option "After", because that way whenever the patient has an appointment, after being seen, he will automatically receive the survey by email. It is also necessary to choose a time for these emails to be triggered, and then just save them.

Another very interesting point of the email marketing tool is that through the Scheduled tab you can control what will be sent to patients, and through the Sent tab, you will be able to view not only the emails that have already been sent, but also whether it was opened or not, and how many times this action was done, making it possible to measure the interest of patients in its content.

So, did you like the functionality but you are not a Ninsaúde Apolo client? Contact us at and request a demo.