Gynecology and Obstetrics is an area of medicine that deals with two specialties at the same time, both focus on women's health. While gynecology studies the female genital system, obstetrics studies human reproduction, that is, pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium.
The gynecologist should be visited after menarche, and after that, at least once a year, while the obstetrician should be visited during pregnancy, or if you are planning one.
The medical software Ninsaúde Apolo has several features that help health professionals in these specialties, which makes your services be done quickly and with great quality. Therefore, we have prepared a list with some of the tools available in Ninsaúde Apolo that are the most used by these specialties, and who can assist in your care.
Before we continue, we need to know: Do you already use medical software to perform your consultations at the clinic? We invite you to get to know Ninsaúde Apolo, online software that can be used on a tablet, smartphone, or in the traditional way, on computers. Learn more on our website
Customizable electronic medical record
With the Ninsaúde Apolo electronic medical record, the gynecologist and obstetrician can type the patient's current evolution while viewing the history on the right side, on the same screen. At the top, in addition to a timer that counts the duration of your service, it is possible to choose cards with some more relevant information about the patient that will be viewed as soon as the consultation starts.
The information on the cards may refer to the health insurance, forwarder, and patient companion, tags and ICDs inserted in previous appointments, allergies and even counting how many visits, absences, and services the patient had at the clinic.

In addition to cards, the healthcare professional can add production tabs. Tabs can be turned on and off at any time, and some of them are in constant use. Some of these tabs are Prescription, Printing (where the professional can print certificates among other documents), Vaccination booklet, files, and graphics, among others.
In the Ninsaúde Apolo medical record, the health professional can also decide between typing the evolution or dictating. By pressing the "Dictate" button, which is above the evolution field, everything that the professional says, the system transcribes to the medical record, thus bringing more agility to the service.

In addition, the professional can register text templates for situations that are frequently repeated. If you need to enter a symptom, observation, or any information you use repeatedly, just type an @ and the system shows all text templates already saved, you just need to select one of them without having to type it again.

Custom forms for anamnesis
With the form functionality of Ninsaúde Apolo, the doctor can create forms and anamnesis and insert them during the evolution. Questions can include long or short text, date, numbers, multiple-choice, calculated field, double field, and yes/no answers.
With the calculated field option, it is possible to insert a formula to generate a score or other calculations made by the system itself. Like the probable date of delivery by date of last menstrual period, to facilitate the work of the health professional, we provide some templates of forms ready for this purpose, such as the Gestational Calculator form by Ultrasound, where it is also possible to automatically calculate the probable date of delivery by Eco, gestational age, date of conception, etc.

The vaccine booklet is one of the options that can be activated with the display tabs on the Ninsaúde Apolo medical record. With this functionality, the obstetrician can generate a mirror of the patient's vaccine card, inserting not only the immunizations that have already been done but also future immunizations that the pregnant woman should do.

Immunizations are already registered in the system with their respective names and age group, it is only necessary for the healthcare professional to select and enter the date and dose, as in the example above. After inserting them, if you want to deliver a copy to the patient, you can also print the booklet.
Adding files
In Ninsaúde Apolo, health professionals can insert different types of files in their patients' medical records, such as scanned documents, photos, pdf exams, etc. This insertion can be done on the patient's registration screen or within the medical record itself while typing the evolution. You can perform this action through two options: Google Drive tab and Files tab.

Although both options serve the same purpose, there is a slight difference between them. To use the Google Drive tab it is necessary to link a Google account, such as Gmail for example, and in this way, the visualization of the files inserted in the system is available only to users who have access to this Google account and who are also linked to their Ninsaúde Apolo users. Because there is a link, within Google Drive the system creates a folder called Apollo and subfolders for each patient with the same files inserted into the system.
On the other hand, to use the Files tab, simply insert the file directly into the software, without the need to link Google accounts. The advantage of this tab is that the user is not held hostage to possible Google Drive instabilities (which is a product of the Google company). However, any user who has access to the Files tab will have access to the inserted files. The positive side is that even so, if necessary, the system administrator can create a restriction setting so that certain users do not have access to such a tab, thus preserving the confidentiality of patient information.

Multiclinical and multi-professional agenda
The Ninsaúde Apolo schedule has several features that add even more when adding an appointment. If the clinic has more than one healthcare professional, the secretary can view all appointments alternating between professionals, or if you prefer, you can view all the appointments for the day, from all professionals on the same screen.

If the clinic has more than one service unit, it is also possible to separate these appointments by branch. In addition, you will be able to define which users will be able to view the agenda of a given branch or not, making secretaries and receptionists from different service locations not confused with appointments.
Other advantages available when scheduling Ninsaúde Apolo are the registration of a room and events. When the patient is scheduled, the secretary will be able to define in which room the service will be performed. Calendar events can be used as a reminder or to block specific dates so that no patient is scheduled in that period in question.

Still, about the schedule, other features are available in the software, and some of them are:
- Online Scheduling - the patient can schedule her appointment through the clinic's website;
- Confirmation via Whatsapp - by sending a confirmation link, the patient can confirm or cancel the appointment, and the status change is made in the agenda automatically;
- Vacancy alert - if there is no time on the date the patient wants, it is possible to schedule it on another date and set an alert so that if someone else withdraws, the patient may be rescheduled for the date that has become vacant.
Finances menu
When receiving consultations, it is important to use management software to record them and thus monitor the financial health of the clinic. Expenses must also be reported in the flow, and this is possible with Ninsaúde Apolo.
Through the agenda itself, secretaries can not only fill in the patient's registration but also inform the amount paid for the consultation, and generate receipts as well.

When posting the receipt, the title is registered in the finance menu, and it is also possible to issue reports for the closing of the daily cash, and analyze cash flow by period and income statement. In addition, if the clinic has several health professionals, it is also possible to view your commissions and issue reports with their values.
In addition to these features, many others are available on Ninsaúde Apolo and will be able to assist not only the health professional but also the secretary and the clinic administrators.
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