Tips for practicing sustainability in clinics and offices

The term sustainability is well used today, but it came up in the mid-1980s, derived from the name "sustainable development", being used for the first time when Gro Harlem Brundtland, the former prime minister of Norway and who served as president of a commission from the United Nations wrote the book Our Common Future.

Despite being a very popular term, few people know its real meaning and how to practice it, but basically, in the words of Gro Harlem Brundtland "sustainable development means meeting the needs of the present without affecting the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. ".

Based on this information, it is possible to develop strategies to practice sustainability in clinics and offices simply and effectively, so that everyone can cooperate and enjoy the results. Check out our tips below:

Separate the garbage

Separating garbage is essential in the recycling process because, in addition to relieving dumps and sanitary landfills, it saves natural resources and generates income for garbage collectors. According to the Brazilian Aluminum Association, about 100 thousand people live exclusively from the collection of aluminum cans and receive an average of three minimum monthly wages.

Recycling is not only part of the income of many Brazilians, but it has also collaborated with the environment. Some data reveal that recycling a single can of soda saves enough energy to keep a TV on for three hours, a ton of recycled paper saves 10,000 liters of water and avoids cutting 17 adult trees, while a kilo of glass broken makes 1 kg of new glass and can be infinitely recycled.

Avoid wasting water and electricity

Although 70% of the Earth's surface is covered by water, only 3% is suitable for consumption, and for this reason, it is essential that the population be aware that water is the most precious asset on our planet and that we should avoid it as much as possible. its scarcity. In this sense, it is always good to check for leaks and leaky faucets, to reuse rainwater for external cleaning, and to water plants and pull the flush only as long as necessary.

Electricity savings are also important in this regard because that way we can postpone the construction of new hydroelectric or thermal generators, powered by imported natural gas or oil products. To do this, do not forget to turn off the lights when leaving an environment, unplug electronic devices from the outlet when not in use since the stand-by (standby mode) increases consumption by 20%, and watch out for the replacement of incandescent lamps fluorescent or LED, which will bring significant energy savings.

Paper saving

According to WWF, around 10,000 sheets of paper are used each year in offices and administrative work for companies in general. However, it is possible to avoid cutting 20 to 30 adult trees when recycling a ton of paper, in addition to saving up to 80% of energy with the production of recycled paper. Recycling is also strongly linked to water savings on the planet since 100 thousand liters of water are spent to produce a ton of new paper.

The paper savings can be made by using a blackboard to write notes instead of using notebooks, printing only necessary documents, and using the back of worthless documents as a draft.

Conscious use of disposable materials

Like paper, other materials can be reused. Do you know that plastic bags where supermarket purchases are placed? It takes more than 100 years to decompose in the environment, which is why it is so important to reuse them by lining dumps for example.

Disposable cups can also be abolished among employees. Many companies are already adopting personalized mugs so that there is no waste of plastic cups. In addition to reducing expenses with this type of material, you collaborate with the environment, since up to 3 liters of water are spent to produce a disposable cup.

Use digital tools

As mentioned earlier, around ten thousand sheets of paper are used in offices each year. Now imagine what would be the amount used in a clinic, where agendas are needed to make appointments, medical records, requests for exams, certificates, etc. That is why it is so important to automate processes and use digital tools, such as management software for clinics.

In Ninsaúde Apolo, for example, in addition to the agenda and electronic medical record, you have access to reports that can be exported to excel without the need to print them. The electronic medical record of Ninsaúde Apolo also has a digital signature, which prevents this document from having to be printed. In addition, if it is necessary to print documents and reports, the system has an ink-saving mode function.

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