May 7th - Brazilian National Day of the Ophthalmologist

On this 7th of May, our honorees are health professionals who are specialists in diagnosing diseases related to the eyes and their attachments, as well as performing surgeries, prescribing treatments and corrections for vision disorders: ophthalmologists!

Although the ancient Egyptians have been studying the organs of vision for a long time, it was the Greeks who started clinical ophthalmology. Ophthalmology is a word of Greek origin (ophthalmós: eye and logos: study), and its history occupies a special place in the evolution of medicine, because, in addition to the importance of its function, for a long time the eye was attributed to magical powers, whether they were good or bad, being able to cast an evil eye or brokenness.

In Brazil, ophthalmology arrives in the middle of the 19th century, and the first ophthalmologist in the country was Dr. Gama Lobo (1835 - 1863), after completing his studies in Europe, upon returning to Brazil he underwent surgery for the first time in our country to treat glaucoma, in addition to introducing other operations related to vision.

The ophthalmologist's day in Brazil was chosen as a way to honor the date on which the São Paulo Ophthalmology Society was founded, which took place in 1930. However, the date was only made official in our calendar in 1986, when the then Minister of Health, Seigo Tsuzuki, through Ordinance No. 398, instituted the date on a national basis.

The ophthalmologist should be contacted whenever there is any change in visual ability or symptoms in the eyes. However, even without any symptoms, it is necessary to visit the health professional periodically so that it is possible to detect problems related to vision early and thus start treatment as soon as possible.

It is then registered the congratulations of the entire Ninsaúde Apolo team to all ophthalmologists in Brazil and in the world!