Humanized care: know what it is and how to practice

You probably have already gone to a commercial establishment where the service was not the best, right? People in a bad mood, do not answer your questions correctly and treat you as if you were just another one in the crowd. Now imagine how annoying if that same situation occurs in a clinic or hospital. This is where humanized care comes in, characterized by the special attention given to patients uniquely treating each individual, based on professional ethics.

When a person is hospitalized or seeking medical attention, it is very likely that they are fragile and have psychological distress. In this way, humanized care comes to meet the patient's need to feel confident in the situation he is going through and to face it positively.

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In addition to the service itself, it is very important that the physical structure where it occurs meets the needs of care and treatment, bringing comfort and safety to the patient. Therefore, precarious and poorly sanitized structures or facilities do not constitute humanized service.

In this type of service, communication is one of the main points to stand out.  It must be clear and efficient in a way that allows the exchange of information between health professionals and patients. It is important to take into account the emotional state not only of the patient but also of the family and answer their questions in a way that conveys empathy, security, and trust.

Besides, the treatment must be done individually, not generic. Learn to listen carefully to what the patient has to say without looking away, showing that you care about the situation.  

Calling the patient by name and greeting him also characterizes humanized care, as it is more likely that he will be able to give important information about the situation facilitating the diagnosis.